Crossroads 4

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Corner 4 (reb)

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Corner 4 (reb)

Baldrock (original of bald rock, I did balkrock on accident.. you can figure out the rest.)

WAIT WOULD THE BROKERSTAND BE ON BLACKROCKS SIDE-? (I had to retype "be" three times)

Zukas shop: give me tehm- guys I'm so sorry I legit messed up (crys) ZUKAS SHOP is where you get emotes stickers and crap, traffic is for titles (jumps off my microwave in shame and proceeds to not fix it)

Joorrttttttttt: luckly this place won't have rat poisoning. *chokes on a onion*

Broker stand: sell your soul- ROBUX* to him for totally legal money that is very useful!!!

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