Sand Waves and Almost Kisses.

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As you can probably tell I have been writing most of this story in Bailey's point of view and so I'm just going to continue to do that because it's easier.

Baileys POV

The next day we woke up bright and early because today we are going to the beach.

I put on a plain turquoise triangle bikini and my favourite black flip flops. I slipped on a white coverup and grabbed my sunglasses and my beach bag.

Finally everyone was ready and we hopped into the car and started off to the beach.

20 minutes later we arrived and all filed out of the cars.

As soon as I found a good spot I put my beach towel down and set my stuff down. I laid in the towel in my bathing suit hoping to get a bit of a tan.

I pulled out my book and started to read it.

Everyone else fled right to the water except Paige and Jack.

Paige sat next to me and laid out as well.

Jack sat down and started playing some music.

"So how are things going between you and Cameron" I asked Paige.

"Oh they're great" he said sighing.

I thought back to last night with Toby and smiled to myself.

Paige looked at me funny and I just shook my head.

Then Jack shut his music off and ran to the water with the others.

Paige and I just sat there in silence.

Then we both decided to get the others and play a game.

"Let's play hide and seek" suggested Patrick.

We all agreed and Brooke was 'it' first.

We all frantically ran around trying to find a place to hide. I decided to hide in the car.

I ran to it and hid in the backseat.

I noticed Toby in the very back but he didn't notice me.

All of a sudden I shouted boo and he jumped practically 50 feet in the air.

I started laughing and so did he.

Brooke's POV

I went to look for everyone while I was "it" and immediately saw Josh.

I ran up behind him but as he turned around we were so close there was only about 1 inch between us.

He looked down into my eyes and my breath hitched.

The to break the ice I said "Found you".

Why did I have to be so awkward.

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