uh-oh! Part 2 :)

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It was just an ordinary thing for me to go home and not stay at school or hang out to CHITCHAT. 

"Sarah!" I heard my bestfriend Abby called me. "Abby!" I replied and walked towards her. "I heard you were yelling at Rein lately...so are you nuts? I thought you had a huge crush on him?" Abby said that with a smile on her face and laughed a little. "I was not yelling at him... it's just I was yelling at everyone inside the classroom because someone called me Faye. You know I hate that name abby." I was saying that with a pissed voice. "oh shut up! you're over reacting" yea I knew abby would say that, that was always her line. "uugh! let's just go." I pulled her. So what now? Thinking yea Sarah I think your bestfriend is right I think you're too OA. Well BLAAAAAH!

As I arrived home I did the same routine that I always do, greeting my mom & dad, go to my room, eat, watch TV, internet, study a bit & sleep. "piong-piong" my ringtone, I expected a text from my bestfriend because she always text me when she's bored. I opened my phone & saw an unknown number. I opened the text message "hi Faye... oh, I mean sarah. I'm sorry if I pissed you lately. BTW this is Rein Vincent :)" whaaaaaaat?! Rein Vincent my ultimate crush just texted me and was apologizing for real? I was asking myself. UUGH! so where did he got my number? I had a lot of questions on my mind. "oh. hi Rein... uhm yea what happened lately I mean.. I think I over reacted. I'm sorry also." I replied. "piong-piong" it was my ringtone again. "haha! anyway why don't you like to be called faye?" he asked, "well I don't know either? I guess I just really don't like it." I replied. Then we continued texting and had some silly topics. It was like I think 12am when we stopped because I was already too sleepy and I think i'm texting the wrong words. LOL!

"aaaaah" I saw the sun and it was so bright. "Piong-piong" that was my ringtone again. "good morning Sarah Faye :)" it was Rein and he said goodmorning Sarah Faye, how could he???... only my parents call me that! Well whatever Sarah say good morning too he's your crush right? What? Was I talking to myself? HAAAAH! silly me. "hey Rein good morning too :)" I replied. Early in the morning and I already have butterflies in my stomach. I mean who else does not get happy when your crush texts you first right?

on my way to school...

"Yes! I can hold his hands again <3" I whispered to myself. we have rehearsals this day. While walking through our room.... "Faye! you're already late for rehearsal." it was Rein and he called me Faye again! GRAAASP! "i'm sorry..." I said. Well we rehearsed then after, "RIIIIIIING" the bell rings, "okay you can take your lunch now, goodbye class" Mrs. Reyes said.

Abby and I was walking through the canteen. 

"Faye!" Oh well I knew it would be Rein. I heard my heart beat and it's so loud, my crush, my crush, my crush <3 "sarah! someone is calling you, you should turn around" Abby said to me. 

"Faye!" he called me again. Yea I was walking fast because i'm really weird if my crush is around. I turned around and I was shocked because it was not Rein it was Kris and he was holding a familiar notebook. "OMG! give that back to me kris please. That's not your property." I yelled and walked fast towards him. "NOW I KNOW WHO'S YOUR CRUSH, HAHAHA!" he teased me. He saw Rein's name with a <3 and everything that is written from my diary. I covered his mouth and grabbed him and I left abby at the hallway......


part 3 will be posted as soon as possible :)

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