the office.

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it was just a normal Monday morning for autumn, she sat at her desk with her manager marjorie avoiding any form of conversation possible. autumn had never been a talker, in fact she hated talking and just wished she could sit in silence all day with no questions asked, but unfortunately for autumn marjorie was the complete opposite. marjorie would rant on and on about new occurrences in her life, usually something to do with autumns brother reece, but somehow autumn found comfort in listening to this. she would never tell anyone she felt this way but she often thought she was a good listener.

autumn went around the rooms to make sure everything was okay, and she heard a familiar voice coming from the outside. "hello mutton chops." her father exclaimed as she just rolled her eyes and walked off. she wondered why he was there and it must be something important for him to come to the nursery but she just shrugged it off. then she saw charlotte struggling to do handover with a parent, "well he has to eat all his food" the parent said. autumn went to go intervene until she heard her say another sentence that sent her into complete overdrive. "he must sit there until he's finished every last crumb on his plate" autumn stood there distraught repeating the words over, and over again in her mind. "he must sit there until he's finished every crumb on his plate" and again, "he must sit there until he's finished every crumb on his plate". autumn could feel her breathing speeding up and quickly rushed into the office to try and calm down. she got flashbacks from this moment, that one night that he found reece, her helpless 12 year old little brother face planting the table with a plate of cold food infront of him, she would beg him to come upstairs but there were consequences for this.

autumn was curled up in a ball rocking back and forth. she felt faint screams and people panicking beside her but she couldn't focus, she was replaying this moment in her mind over and over again. like she was stuck in it.

she felt a light hand tap her shoulder and whisper something, she couldn't really understand but when she turned around she couldn't believe her eyes.

"hello autumn."

who does everyone think it is?
i'm a new writer so tips will be greatly appreciated and i know this isn't the best thing ever but i hope you enjoy!!

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