Chapter 6

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With kerem back from Italy, Hande and kerem were eager to make up for lost time and started a new chapter in their lives. The months apart had only strengthened their bond, and they were more certain than ever about their future together. They moved in together and had their first time.

The first few days after kareem's return were filled with joy and celebration. They spent time with their families, sharing stories and laughter, and basking in the warmth of their loved ones. Hande’s fami;y threw a welcome home party for kerem, where they celebrated his successful project and the couple’s reunion.

As the excitement of the reunion settled, Hande and kerem began to discuss their future. They had both achieved significant milestones in their careers, and now they wanted to focus on building a new life together. They decided to move in together, finding a cozy apartment that would be the sanctuary away from the public eye.

The process of moving in was filled with excitement and a few challenges. They spent weekends shopping for furniture, decorating their new home, and making it their own. Each piece of furniture, each decoration, was chosen with care, reflecting their personalities and the life they wanted to build together.

One evening, as they sat on their couch, surrounded by unpacked boxes. Kerem turned to hand with a smile. “This feels like the start of something amazing”. Hande nodded, her heart full “it does. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.”

They settled into their new routine, finding joy in the simple moments of everyday life. They cooked meals together, went for evening walks, and spent quiet nights watching movies. They tried to do all of those things 3 times at least a week. Their home was filled with laughter, love, and a sense of peace that came from being together.

Hande and Kerem also continued to support each other's careers. They attended each other's events, celebrated successes , and offered encouragement during challenging times. Their relationship was a partnership in every ssense, built on a foundation of mutual respect and unwavering support, trust and love.

Hande and kerem also continued to support each other's careers/. They attended each other's events, celebrated succesuess, and offered each agent during challenging  times. Their relationship was a partnership in every sense, built on a foundation of mutual respect and unwavering support. One day finally they had an award show together. Because kerem was gone for so long, they haven't been to one together. They got invited together but since he was he missed many of them.

“I'm kind of nervous for this event.”

“Why baby? You know I will be there today.”

“I'm always a little nervous for them, even though I've been getting them for a long time. The nerves are always there before I go but when I get there everything is fine again.”

They went to the event and spoke in front of the reporters, kerem was rubbing her back during it all. That always calmed her down and made her smile internally knowing he does this to cool her down in any position no matter where they were.


“Yeah?” he said, leaning to let her whisper right into his ear.

“Do you know how long till our series turn?”

“Wait i'll ask”

“She said, 2 more series till ours. Why are you ok?”

“Yeah but these heels are kind of annoying.”

“Aww baby, if we weren't here I would have said take it off for a bit. Unless it takes quick to put back on again.”

Throughout the event he kept his hand on her thigh or vice versa as a comfort for each other. Both of them didn't really like these things but came for the sake of their jobs, they didn't really like crowds at all as well parties weren't really their thing. Only if it's just them or family and friends.

As they looked ahead, they began to dream about the future. They talked about their foals, their aspirations, and the adventures they wanted to embark on together. They planned trips to new destinations, envisioned their future home, and even discussed the possibility of starting a family some day. They decided that they will both work for 5 years, take short breaks in between but after those 5 years are over they will take a 2-3 year break completely and use it to travel literally the entire world and when they come back decide whether or not they want to continue acting.

One weeknd, they decided to take a short trip to a nearby mountain house. The cripst air and stunning views provided the perfect backdrop for their conversations about the future. They hiked through scenic trails, enjoyed cozy evenings by the fireplace in each other's arms, and made memories that would last a lifetime. They spoke about their future plans in more detail and made plans and decisions together. Not all of them were finalized because it was serious things but some were.

On the last night of their trip, as they sat by the fire, kerem took Hande's hand. “Hande, i know i've talked about the future a lot, but i want you to know that i'm committed to making all our dreams come true, whether it's all at once or it takes to achieve them all, you will get everything you want in this world. I love you more than anything, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.”

Hande’s eyes filled with tears of happiness. “I love you too, kerem. Whatever comes our way we'll face it together.”

Their journey had been filled with ups and downs, but their love had proven resistant. They were ready to embrace the future, hand in hand, with the strength of their bond and support of their families every step of the way.

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