Differences aside - Riya and Aiden

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(Requested ^^ I tried)

Everything felt as if it was going to collapse on Riya. After winning the 3 million dollars, she thought that everything would get better and improve. Maybe people would appreciate her more, or she would have more supporters! She thought.. that this would bring her joy, wealth and more fans, plus popularity, yet everything was the exact opposite. She didn't have joy, wealth she did have, but at what cost?

Riya was sitting alone in her purple themed bedroom on her queen sized bed with an excessive amount of cushions and pillows. The light off her phone was shining in her face as she scrolled through everyones posts after the show. Envy. Was all she felt. They all had something she didn't. Happiness. All she could do is look at how happy Connor looked with his new wife. She was everything she wasn't. She was beautiful and blonde, you could also see in her eyes, the honesty, the loyalty, and the true love she had for Connor. The man that she was always missing.

Her gaze went towards her bedside table. On it. The perfume. The one Connor gave her. She would always try to save it as much as she could, just to preserve the memories that it held.

Riya felt like dying. She had no one on her side. Even her sister, Eesha didn't want to talk to her after what she had done. Nobody was by her side. Riya has had these thoughts before. Although, this time. They were worse. Riya was taking deep breaths just so she wouldn't have a complete mental breakdown.

Riya looked at her cabinet, filled with tons of trophies. What use were they now, that she had no one to show? No one to talk to about them. It was just her. On her own.

Riya just wanted to talk to someone, so she had opened up her phone, once more and tried to text her mother. Blocked. Then she tried her father. Blocked. Her sister, surely her sister would. Nope, blocked. Now she really had no one. Not even her family were willing to talk. Her dearest sister.. the only one she truly trusted, vanished, out of her life.

A few minutes later, she said 'Screw it' and clicked on any random number and dialed it. The phone rang continuously for a couple of minutes, before a familiar voice answered.

'Hello?' The small voice spoke from the other side.

'Hi, I don't know who I've called and why I am even calling.. but please.. can we just talk.. I seriously need someone to talk to... everything feels like it's crashing down on me and-' Riya said before being interrupted.

'Riya? Why would you call me out of all people?' The voice questioned her.

'Huh, what do you mean? Who is thi-' Riya stopped mid word before realising that it was Aiden. The man she had pushed off a cliff in her first season. Riya knew this wouldn't go well.

'Riya, this is Aiden.' He replied back.

'Oh.. sorry, I'll go.' She quickly responded. She genuinely didn't want to cause more harm to him.

'No.. wait. What did you want to talk about? You don't sound okay? I get we are enemies and all. that, but I'll still worry about you.' Aiden responded quickly before she could go. Yes, he hated her. But no it doesn't mean he'll be a bitch back to her.

'Oh my, thank you Aiden.. it's a lot to take in uhm..'

'Yeah whatever..' Aiden said back.

Riya vented. For a while. For about half an hour. Aiden actually listened. It was weird. During the whole venting, Aiden was... Supportive. It was definitely not something she was used to.

'Aiden.. thank you. Genuinely. I'm sorry for everything.. every single bad thing I've said..'

'Riya, me accepting your apology is a long road away, but. I know you are changing. I hear it in your voice. You're being genuine. How about we meet up for ice cream and talk face to face?' Aiden suggested.

Riya was extremely shocked to be hearing that. Someone.. someone wanted to actually physically see her.

'Yes.. please Aiden.. thank you.. uhm. For being understanding.. I get we aren't on the best terms..'

'It's okay, uhm, 5pm at the park?' Aiden questioned.

'Yeah.. yeah that's fine. I have no plans.'

(Lil time skip to the park :3)

Riya walked into the park. She was still sad over everything. What if she was just being set up. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and saw the short man with split dye hair. Aiden. He had actually came.

He slightly huffed as he walked up to her.

Aiden: "Hey.."

Riya instantly spat out something mean, its a common instinct at this point, really.

Riya: "Uh, what happened to you."

Aiden looked down at himself and looked back up.

Aiden: "You don't look any better, your eyes are all puffy."

They went back and forth at it before Aiden softened before hugging Riya. Riya felt a warmth in her chest. She had someone. Hugging her. An uncommon thing. She slowly wrapped her arms back around Aiden and cried. She just cried. Minutes later they both walked over to an ice cream booth and ordered ice cream, Aiden got chocolate ice cream while Riya got bubble gum.

They then sat down at a bench and pretend insulted each other. Her walls were broken down.

Aiden: "Y'know what. Let's leave our past behind us, friends?"

Riya gasped and smiled.

Riya: "Yeah. Friends."

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