🌷 Day One 🌷

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                 (Owen's POV)

     Personally, I've never had a crush on anyone. I just don't get attracted to people like that, I guess. George has been teasing me about overhearing Akira and Natalie, our two other best friends, call us "those two cute boys from Canada" while we were at the Kids Against Climate Change rally last year. I laughed it off then, but I've had a few sleepless nights thinking if Akira also really thought I was cute, or if that was just Natalie being...well, Natalie. I guess I'll just have to keep losing sleep, because I'll never know.

     I sat on the train with George, excited to see Natalie and Akira for our first sleepover in a year (why can't it be canon that they have sleepovers😣).
     I would have to take this train to the airport in Quebec, then fly the 9 hour flight to Fresno, then get picked up by Akira and her parents and drive 3 hours to her house. Natalie arrived yesterday, so she would already be at Akira's house. It would take a while, but it would be worth it.
     "What's on your mind, dude?" George asked.
     "Well, if you must know, cheese, I'm thinking about how many California girls I'm gonna pull," I replied.
      "One, I'm not the cheese. Two, the only California girl you're tryna pull is Akira."
I blushed profusely and smacked George on the head. "AM NOT, YOU ICE HOLE!"
     "Hey, hey, I was just being honest! Besides, I've seen the way you look at her on FaceTimes and the way your eyes light up when she texts you." George listed. I turned my head away so he couldn't see how much I was blushing. George leaned over on his seat to try and meet my eyes.
     "Come on, you can tell me anything! We're...Mac & Cheese, after all." He said, and I turned to face him. He hated being called the cheese, so I knew he was serious if he was using our unofficial-official nicknames.
     "Okay, fine. I may have a TINY crush on Akira, but that's it. It's not like I wanna, like, hold her hand, or...watch her brush her hair...or..." I trailed off, lost in thought.
     "Dude, you are so down bad."
George clasped his hand together and made puppy-dog eyes. "Oh, AkiRa, YoU'rE sOo PrEtTy, I wAnNa MarRy YoUu"
I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him as we both laughed. But my mind couldn't stop wandering. Could Akira like me?


     We finally pulled into Akira's driveway at around 8 pm. George and I hopped out of the car and grabbed our bags from the trunk. We entered the house, and Akira and Natalie came bounding down the stairs.
     "YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!!" Natalie squealed.
     "We've been waiting! You took forever!" Akira laughed.
     "You kids have fun, I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late." Akira's dad told us.
     "Thanks, Mr. Kristiansen" I can't spell 😣), I said as I headed upstairs to Akira's room. Akira's dad pulled me to the side before we could get upstairs. "I see the way you look at my daughter. Don't try anything, son."
     I blushed and nodded quickly. N-no sir, I-I won't, sir."
Akira blushed as well, a deep red. "DAD STOP IT!" She screamed as she pulled me into her room, slamming the door.
    Finally alone, George, Natalie, and I caught up on what was going on in our daily lives as Akira set up an air mattress from me and George. We all sat in a circle in the middle of Akira's room, pigging out on chips and candies.
"Sooo, do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Natalie excitedly asked, laying in George's lap. They repeatedly denied having feelings for each other, but everyone knows they're dating.
"Sure, why not! Owen are you playing?" Akira said. I blushed and tried to play it cool. "Y-yeah sure!"
Natalie and George quickly shared a look. Uh oh. I knew what was coming.
"I'll go first," George offered. "Owen. Truth or Dare?"
I had to be careful with my answer, because for all I knew, I was about to get exposed like Drake (KIDDING KIDDING).
"Hmm, dare." I replied, sure George couldn't have something crazy up his sleeve.
"I dare you to hug the prettiest girl in the room."
     I blushed profusely. I had to think fast. I took a deep breath and made my decision.
     I scooted on my knees and hugged George.
      "Really? I've been lied to our whole friendship!"
Everyone had a good laugh, and we resumed our game.
     About an hour and a lot of embarrassing dares later, we decided to call it a night. It was around 3 am.
"Wait, I just thought of a suuuper good dare," Natalie piped up as we were all brushing our teeth in the bathroom.
     "What is it?" Akira asked before spitting and wiping her mouth above the sink.
     "Someone has to reveal..." Natalie paused for dramatic effect. "THEIR SECRET CRUSH."
     An awkward whispering erupted between us, trying to see who would be up to the challenge.
"How about Owen?" George suggested, moving his eyebrows up and down with a look that said, "THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!" By now, we were in Akira's room again. Natalie was sleeping with Akira and me and George would share the air mattress. "I-I guess I could... I mean, I trust you guys, so like—"
"Just get on with it!" Akira interrupted. She seemed tense, but I didn't know why.
     "Okay, sheesh. I have a crush on... uhm... Akira" I whispered.
     "WHO?" George asked loudly.
"AKIRA." I whisper shouted. "OKAY GOODNIGHT GUYS." I quickly shut off the light and dove under the covers, covering myself completely with the blankets.
     "Woah, woah, woah, you are NOT going to bed after that revelation!" Natalie said as she tried to peel me away from the air mattress.
"No way. I belong to the sheets now." I replied. I overheard Akira giggle.
"How are you supposed to breath?" George asked.
     "I've got a peephole I can see and breath out of. Goodnight."
I could hear George sigh and climb under the blankets with me, and hear him call out a goodnight to Natalie and Akira.
     "Goodnight, Owen." Akira said.
     "G'night." I replied, barely audible amongst the blankets.
"Good nighhhhhhhht 😏" Natalie said, lifting up the blanket.
"Night, Natalie." I replied quickly, clasping the blanket in my hand and pulling it over my head.
How could I actually have said that?! I was going to be here for the next two weeks, and I had just admitted my true feelings on the first night?
     I couldn't sleep, so I slowly removed myself from the covers, quietly making my way to the front porch. I sat down on the porch swing, watching the stars.
I sighed and sunk further down onto the porch swing, tapping out a rythum on the bench.
     "God, Owen, I hate you." I muttered as I covered my face with my hands.
     "I don't."
I slowly turned to see Akira smiling sheepishly at me. I could feel the heat rise up to my face.
     "W-what do you mean?"
     "I don't hate you. I, uhm, like you, actually." Akira replied, tapping out a rhythm of her own with her fingertips, then hugged her knees to her chest.
"I don't know why I do. You're loud. You say the wrong things. You're the complete opposite of me."
I looked at her. "Wow, tell me how you really feel." I said sarcastically.
"But your also sweet. And you always help people," She continued, blushing. "I always thought you were too good for me. I thought there were girls that were more... your type, I guess."
     I looked at Akira lovingly. Here she was, confessing and opening up to me! I smiled.
     "Akira, you've got nothing to worry about," I said, taking her hands in mine. We blushed and I quickly let go, turning away. "I-I always thought you were too good for me. You were responsible and well mannered, while I literally almost pulled my pants down when we first met." We shared a laugh, staring off into the night. She pulled her hair out of her low ponytail, and I watched as her hair cascaded down her back. She saw me looking at her, and I quickly turned away.
     I looked down slightly, and noticed our hands were just mere inches apart. I slowly inched my way to her hand, and lightly put my hand over hers. She let out a small gasp, and turned to me. I looked up from our hands and into her eyes. Now, I don't remember the part when I floated from my spot and walked in front of Akira, but there I was, staring into her deep brown eyes. Well, I guess we had the same idea because less than 5 seconds later, I leaned down and she leaned up, meeting me right in the middle. We kissed, and fireworks exploded in my brain. With shaking hands, I reached up and cupped Akira's face in my hands. I felt her hands touch mine and we stayed there, feeling like all eternity. When we finally separated, my heart was racing a mile a minute. Akira looked at me, and I looked at her. I couldn't believe what we had just done, and neither could she because she stood up and said, "I can't believe we just did that."
I chuckled a bit and smiled, and was returned by Akira with a giggle. I checked my watch and noticed it was 4 am. "We should probably get back inside. It's kind of late."
"You're right. See you tomorrow."
     We quietly reentered the house and made our way upstairs. We silently opened the door and walked in. Natalie and George were still sleeping soundly. Akira walked to her bed, but I grabbed her hand and spun her around towards me. She stared at me with a questioning look, and I kissed her again. She looked shocked, then kissed me back. We separated, and she blushed and quickly walked to her bed, covering herself in the sheets. I flopped down onto the mattress, finally able to get some sleep knowing that Akira Kristiansen was my girlfriend.

(1727 words)

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