You can trust me

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"Rachel, no!" She heard his scream, but by that moment, it was too late, she was in the grasp of the Meta.

Carolina woke in a cold sweat, her body trembling as she looked around the dark room. "It was a dream. All a dream." She thought to herself before jumping at a subtle movement beside her followed by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. York. She'd forgotten that he'd invited her to his room that night. His lips touched to her shoulder gently, his grip tightening slowly. "What's the matter, Rachel?" His groggy voice broke the silence, causing her stare to meet his. "Nothing. I'm alright, Aaron." The red head had given her best attempt at keeping her voice steady, but she felt the small shake as she spoke. "Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" He pushed the question again, and she shook her head. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Carolina spoke softly in reply, her emerald eyes meeting the brown of her lover. Slowly, York tilted his head and pressed another kiss to her shoulder. "You know I can tell when you're lying. Why won't you talk to me?" He asked softly, his lips trailing upwards to her jaw. Carolina gave a short laugh, shoving him backwards onto the bed. "Because you do things like that. I'm fine, Aaron. I promise. It was just a bad dream." She said, looking down at him with a small smile. York held out an arm and she rolled into him, her head rested gently against his shoulder as a finger traced over the scars that rested over his now blind eye. "Get some sleep, Rach. You need it." He muttered sleepily, his breathing slowing as he drifted back into sleep, Carolina doing the same soon after.
"Rachel, please, don't leave me. I need you." His hands brushed over her cheek slowly, a tear dropping onto her forehead.

"All agents clear the floor. Let training begin." The computerized program known simply as F.I.L.S.S echoed as Carolina stood face to face with York, who had booked them the training room. "You're sure you want to do this, Aaron?" She asked, taking a stance as he walked in. York had shrugged, prancing slightly as the countdown began before he ducked away as she charged, rolling a distance away. "C'mon 'Lina. You can do better than that." York mocked but soon regretted his choice of words as her fist connected with his chest, sending him flying backwards as she chuckled. "I know I can, Aaron. Everyone does-" Carolina was cut short as an alarm began to blare over the speakers. F.I.L.S.S came over the loudspeaker, the robotic voice all too calm. "Level Zero break in. Agent Maine spotted within the compound." The name rocked Carolina, she felt dizzy. Maine. God damn you. With the alarms blaring, she took off, shaking her head as York called after her. Why, Maine? Why did you do this? Questions ran through her mind as Carolina turned the corner only to feel a hand on her shoulder. "Rachel slow down." York's voice rang through her ears, his grip tight on her shoulder. She didn't reply as she turned, her emerald green eyes meeting his brown through the visor of her cerulean helmet. "Rachel, he's not the Maine you knew. Not anymore." His voice was soft, somewhat calming, yet she pulled from his grip. "Maine is in there somewhere. Our Maine." Carolina said, mostly to herself as she turned and ran down the long corridor.
"Rachel, please, I love you. Don't leave me. Don't you leave me." York's voice became nothing more than a choking whisper. "Please don't leave me."

"Maine!" Carolina screamed as she chased down the tall freelancer in white and grey. She heard the pounding footsteps of York behind her, yet she kept after Maine, anger and hurt fueling the woman to keep going. "Rachel!" York shouted after her, trying to keep up but simply not fast enough to catch the cerulean freelancer. Maine turned, facing Carolina before grabbing her by the neck. "Rachel, no!" She heard his scream, but by that moment, it was too late, she was in the grasp of the Meta. "Let her go!" York's scream came more as a growl as he tackled Maine down, forcing him to drop Carolina to the ground. A low growl came from the mute freelancer, a cloak activating as he ran away from the compound. York turned, walking to her side as she held her throat. "Rachel? Are you alright?" York went to help her up, but she shoved his hand away and stood, using the wall as a way to stabilize herself. "Why did you do that, Aaron? I had him!" She snapped, glaring at him through her helmet. "You had him? He was going to kill you, Rachel! Don't know if you noticed but he was trying to suffocate you!" He yelled in reply, pulling off his helmet. She studied his face before growling and walking off. York watched her, knowing she expected him to follow, but he didn't. He made his way back to his room and slammed the door, laying on his bed with a loud groan of anger. Hours passed, York laying and staring at the ceiling after he had changed into a pair of more casual clothing before he glanced to his door as a knock came forth. "It's open." He grumbled, laying back as it slid open to reveal Carolina in her more casual clothing, a cerulean sports bra and a pair of regulation camouflage pants. "Aaron, the team is worried about you. You aren't usually one to ignore everyone." She said, sighing as he rolled on his side. "Are you going to say anything?" Carolina leant against the wall, the cool metal against her back causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Tilting her head, she gave an annoyed growl. "Aaron, you can't just ignore me all-" He cut her off as he stood, walking to stand in front of her. She noted his good eye was bloodshot, a sign he'd been crying. "You always yell at me for doing stupid and reckless things, Rachel. You're always scared I'm going to die. Well how do you figure it is with me? That I'm supposed to let you run off and play hero while I'm on the sidelines. Maine could've killed you. And you brushed me off like I was nothing." He said, Carolina somewhat shocked at his sudden angry tone with her. She stared into his one blind, one brown and bloodshot eye, puffy from crying. Carolina didn't have any words to fight back, realizing he was right. She was always worried about him, but she never thought about how her own recklessness affected him. She wrapped her arms around his back, resting her forehead against his chest. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I know I'm reckless but those damned things in Maine's head need to come out." She spoke softly, looking up at him with a sigh. "I know. Which is why you need to promise me something. You bring yourself back to me or take me with you. Got it?" He spoke, Carolina taken back slightly but nodding slowly. She leaned up, placing a light kiss against York's lips before turning, going to leave before feeling his hands on her waist. "You staying tonight?" He asked quietly, nibbling on her ear which in turn caused a dark blush to spread over her cheeks as she nodded. The cerulean freelancer knew what his idea of staying in his room meant, and the blush only darkened as she thought back to their other encounters when she stayed with him. Slowly, and almost unwillingly, he let her leave after kissing down her neck to her shoulder. "See you tonight then, Rach." His voice came almost as a whisper as he smirked at her, chuckling as she rolled her eyes before walking off.
He half yelled in response as he looked down at her to see the once bright emerald eyes grow dull, beginning to close.

You Can Trust Me (Red vs Blue Yorkalina)Where stories live. Discover now