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Selina Kyle was having quite the odd couple of days.

First, she got a surprise visit from her favorite little hero. Dick had looked absolutely miserable and who was she to deny the boy a safe place to stay. Getting him cleaned up was the easiest part of that evening however as it took many, many hours for the boy to exhaust himself into sleep. If she hadn't known he was adopted, she'd be tempted to say he got it from his father. But as it stands, she had to have quite a talk with the man.

Still, for the sake of the boy, she sheathed her claws. At least until she knew Dick would be able to handle discussing it again.

It being the severe communication issues that idiot has and how he treats Dick in the progress.

But that's for later.

For now she focused on getting proper meals into the boy and actually letting him rest. Who needed school or patrols when mental health was starting to take a physical toll. Of course she had called Alfred to know Dick was safe. She always did. The big bad buffoon may not need to know, but the true head of the house did. He always made sure to send her extra funds to make sure any and all of both their needs are covered. That did also include some help with easy to make recipes so she could make him healthy meals as well.

And then Ivy started acting weird.

She had cancelled on girls night, preferring to stay in and watch movies with Dick. Harley had taken it upon herself to call Selina to rant about how she is acting distant and weird about her plants. While she was used to Harley's tumultuous relationship issues, the plant thing did raise a few flags as Ivy was never one to shy away from talking to Harley about them. So with a heavy heart, she had to send Dick back to the Mannor. If anything were to happen, she'd prefer him going out with his full gear on and somebody to watch his back.

Because going out he would, with or without support.

Unfortunately, his departure wasn't all too liked by her babies as two of her little trouble makers jumped out the window right after Dick had left. Those two rascals had always liked Dick a lot, often sleeping close to or with him when he stayed over. Which really didn't come as a surprise since he was the one who found the pair as kittens. Nanaki had a habit of trying to sleep on Dick's head, often making one wonder where the fur ended and the boy began. Shiro on the other hand preferred sleeping at his side, nestled between his body and an arm.

Usually they'd only follow him a block or two and then come back. They're not particularly good at staying out of trouble so when they didn't return by morning, Selina was getting worried. Usually she wouldn't worry too much about her cats, they're smart and know where is safe and where isn't. But these two? She wouldn't know how to break the news if anything happened, especially with so much already going on in that poor boy's life.

She was planning on going out, to see if she could find them. But then the attacks happened. Just like she had expected, Ivy was involved in this. With how big of a mess the entire city was, there was no use in going out. All she could do was hope they would find their way home.

She had been busy, trying to think of a way to speak with Bruce without revealing that Dick had come here. There was also a diamond shipping Harvey was transporting in a few days and the temptation to mess with lil ol' Dent was too sweet.

And then she heard a knock on her door. It was soft and she wasn't expecting anybody so she was weary when she looked through the peephole. All she could see was a soaked to the bone kid. Still keeping her guard up, she opened her door and had to hold herself back from openly freezing up. The kid in front of her looked near identical to how Dick looked when he was younger and went through a period of not eating. She was so focused on his face, the boy awkwardly shifted the little bundle he was holding under his hoodie.

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