waking her for cuddles

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"Manon?" You whispered as you reached out to place your hand on her back.

Your touch made her stir but she didn't do anything more than let a couple of soft sounds leave her lips.

A heavy breath left your lips as you continued to feel frustrated though not at your girlfriend.

But rather, you were so exhausted but couldn't seem to fall asleep and that was making you feel annoyed and upset.

You didn't want to wake Manon up, she needs as much rest as she can get because she's been working harder than ever lately.

So you were trying to deal with it on your own, though you were pretty fed up.

Instead of waking Manon up, you closed your eyes and tried to breathe in sync with her, thinking her soft and steady breaths would lull you to sleep.

However, after laying there for a few minutes, you began to toss and turn before groaning.

You considered getting up and walking around the house for a few minutes or going to get some water from the kitchen.

Or, if worse came to worse, you could just go and curl up on the sofa and watch some TV until you fall asleep - if you fell asleep.

But you didn't want to leave Manon.

You're so incredibly proud of her; proud of how far she's come and how much she and the girls are accomplishing.

But you have missed her a lot and you don't want to leave her side, especially in case she wakes up and wonders where you are.

Laying back down, you tried to lay still and get to sleep.

But after about ten more minutes, you were beyond frustrated and decided to do something you've been hesitating to do.

"Manon?" You spoke as you put your hand on her shoulder. "Manon? Please wake up."

She lifted her cheek from the pillow and blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness.


"Yeah." You sighed, biting your lip a little. "I'm sorry I woke you but I can't sleep."

"What do you need, baby?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes and rolled onto her back.

"Can you cuddle me?"

She looked at you and smiled a little.

"You woke me up for cuddles?"

"Is that okay?" You wondered and despite how sleepy she was, she smiled a little more.

"That's more than okay. It's so sweet."

She opened her arms for you right after the words left her lips and your heart skipped a beat knowing that she found this so sweet.

"Come here, my love. I'll give you all the cuddles you want."

You happily moved into her arms and the second you felt them wrap around you, you also felt a rush of comfort and security flood over you.

"That better?"

You nodded and put your head on her chest.

"You make me feel so warm and safe. I love you."

"I love you too. I'm sorry you can't sleep. Are you sure there's nothing else you need?"

"I'm sure. I just need you."

"I'm here." She assured. "I've got you. Try to rest, okay?"


You were able to relax and even began to feel a little sleepy as Manon held you close.

She kissed your head and brushed her fingers along your skin as you started to drift off to sleep.

"I love you so much." You sleepily spoke.

"I love you more. Sleep tight." She replied as she knew you were falling fast asleep.

And she couldn't help but smile to herself because it felt good to know that it was all thanks to her cuddling you, which she loves to do more than anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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