To my saving grace,the love of my life and the reason why I saw faith in my future. You're the reason why I was able to get through my bad thoughts,you gave me a reason to stay when I felt consumed by the thoughts I was in before I had met you. You're my emotional anchor,you're my saving grace,you're the love of my life. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Because of you I'm able to get through the bad thoughts,without you I wouldn't have gotten through my thoughts and I'll say it until the moment on the day death will be doing us part honey Renee Young you saved my life,you gave me faith in my future,most of all you are my emotional compass when I am caught up in my head and the thoughts. I can't imagine how life would've turned out without you. Because of you I get through the thoughts and I have a reason why I got through the thoughts which is because you are there in my life to help me. You are truly amazing and sweet. You're my reason why I didn't stay in the thoughts that I thought would take me at 27 or 28 years old. I didn't know what to do with myself because of the thoughts but then along came you. Fate put you in my path and you saved my life. I have no words that describe how much I love you and how much you meant to me from the day we met. You gave me strength when I was caught up in my head and thoughts that I was certain would take me before I met you and our relationship started. I love you more than you will ever understand babe. Thank you for coming into my life when I was lost and caught up in my head and thoughts that were hard to deal with and I thought they’d consume me. You will never understand how you truly saved me. I love you more than you'll ever know sweetheart. You truly saved my life when we met.

You Saved My Life When I Met You (Deanee)
FanficCopyright © 2024 GoldenAngelMiracle All Rights Reserved® "I don't think I would have learned what it's like to be truly loved if I didn't meet you. You saved my life when I met you. You saved my life from my thoughts. You saved my life by teaching m...