Chapter Five

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It had been two hours of buying clothes, and I feel exhilarated yet utterly exhausted. Antonio had let me run wild through the racks, allowing me to explore every outfit that caught my eye. Finally, I plop down into a plush chair, huffing out, "Tired?"

He settles beside me, a playful glint in his eyes. "And hungry," I add, my stomach rumbling to emphasize my point. He chuckles, then snaps his fingers. An older man in a formal butler outfit approaches us, his demeanor polished and attentive.

"Go on, tell him what you want," Antonio encourages, gesturing toward the butler. I feel a brief moment of confusion, but my stomach takes charge. "I'd like a fat burger, with ketchup, cheese, pickles, onions the circle kind, and tomatoes, please."

The butler nods, jotting down my order with precision. Then he turns to Antonio. "I'll have the same," he says, his tone casual yet commanding. The man nods once more and excuses himself, disappearing into the bustling atmosphere of the mall.

I turn back to Antonio, curiosity bubbling up again. "So you own the number one pharmacy and the biggest mall in this city. What else?" I blurt out, eager to learn more about him.

"Today isn't about me, missy. Tell me about yourself," he replies, leaning closer. His voice is playful yet sincere, a combination that makes me feel surprisingly at ease.

Taking a deep breath, I begin, "I'm Juliet Faye Angele, the second and youngest daughter of the Angele family. I've always had straight A's and am known as Ms. Perfect. Some people even call me 'Angel' because they say I have the features and beauty of one. But honestly? I don't see it." I laugh lightly, glancing away as I feel my cheeks flush under his gaze.

His eyes lock onto mine, and I feel a warmth spread through me. "I attended Glenhaven High and I was going to start at Glenhaven University," I say, my voice losing some of its brightness. "But I don't think I can't."

"Was? What makes you think that?" Confusion flickers across my face. "Well, with the wedding coming up, I didn't think I could," I admit truthfully.

Antonio's expression softens, almost as if my words touched a nerve. "Juliet, I would never stop you from going to university. Yes, we're getting married, but that doesn't mean you have to give up your dreams." His sincerity surprises me, I expected a tyrant, but maybe he isn't so bad after all.

"When do you start?" he asks, his tone shifting to something lighter. "Next Thursday," I reply, a smile breaking through my earlier uncertainty.

"What do you want to major in?" he prompts, and my heart races with excitement. I love discussing my passions, and it feels good to share them. "Psychology! I want to be a therapist. Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to help people, you know mentally." I lock eyes with him, feeling a spark of connection.

Just then, our food arrived, and the rich, savory scent of the burgers wafts toward us. As we dug in, our conversation flowed effortlessly into the world of psychology. Antonio shared insights from friends in the field, and I find myself hanging onto every word. We spook about how the brain works, the intricacies of human behavior, and the importance of empathy.

The more we talked, the wider my smile grew. For the first time in ages, I feel genuine joy wash over me, not a mask, but a true reflection of my excitement. I shared my dreams of helping people through their struggles, and it feels liberating to open up like this.

Antonio listened intently, occasionally offering his thoughts and experiences, and I can tell he is genuinely engaged. I loved how passionate he was about the subject, too. As we exchange ideas, I realize how refreshing it is to connect on this level.

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