chapter 13

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Orm's pov

As we enter linglings company I saw everyone staring at us with wide eyes and I started to feel uncomfortable because I was just in gym shorts and a shirt that reached my mid thigh, but lingling didn't even glace at others and took a hold of my hand,

I was amazed to see the huge ass office with lavishly furnished areas and expensive desks even the wall were screaming expensive, entering the elevator i realised how tall the building was because we were going up to the 70th floor,

"Close your mouth or you'll catch a fly" lingling said and chuckled I knew I was red by now I blush furiously, as the elevator doors open and we set foot on the 70th floor everyone was looking at me, but someone caught my attention, a women, She was giving me some disgusted looks, i didn't pay attention to her and went in the office with lingling,

"Change if you want or you can just rest on the couch there it's a make shift bed, I'll be here working, if you need anything and I'm not around, you can call at the front desk secretary and ask her to get whatever you want" i nodded and throw myself on the couch, i sigh in relaxation, now all I wanted to do was go back to sleep,

But I heard someone knock on the door, I looked up just to see that stupid secretary I don't want to even know about,

"Ms.kwong, Ms.pansa and her wife has arrived" lingling nodded at her but didn't look up, from her file she had just started to read,

"Send them in" the secretary nodded but still looked at me one last time before going out, lingling got up and took her suit jacket off to cover my legs,

When milk and love entered the office that secretary followed them in, love quickly smiled at me while milk went straight to lingling to talk business, love ran up to me and sat beside me,

"Love sit here, you can gossip with her later" I glare at milk when she said that but she just chuckled at me,

"But you're going to talk business why must I sit here" love ask but milk shook her head and let us be ourselves,

I saw the secretary walked around the desk and stood just beside lingling, she bent down showing her nasty big boobs and cleavage that looked fake, but lingling didn't pay attention to her,

"You're throwing daggers at her with your eyes" love said and i finally turned to her,

"That stupid secretary has been giving me dirty looks since I came here and it's only been 10 minutes" I said and glare at that secretary who smirked at me,

"All the secretary are like this, I've encountered many and some of them even try to sleep with milk when she's drunk, once I saw one taking milks cloths off while milk was heavily drunk calling my name because she thought it was me" my eyes wided at love when she said that,

"How did it stop then" i ask and she give me the evil smirk and turned to the women who was trying way to much to look good in front of our wife's more like our husband's,

"Simple I got naked in milks office and let me tell you they're all like that giddy teenager when they see us naked, they starts to lose their mind and think with their dicks, all they want to do is fuck us like crazy, however that does not work with those stupid secretary's even if they get naked, they end up being kicked out of the company" i giggle at loves smirk, I felt that to lingling was going crazy last night and that was evident,

"So as i was saying i got naked and milk didn't think twice before she sat me on her office desk and fuck me like no tomorrow and that secretary saw it, I smirk at her while my oblivious wife, more like husband was fucking me without even knowing that the secretary was just at the door watching everything" i smile at love and finally got the best idea, I high five love and started to tell about everything that happened in the morning,

"Love time to go" milk said and love said bye to us both then leave with milk,

The secretary followed them out I got up and boldly open my shirt and throw it at linglings desk with my bra, and took my gym shorts of as well, lingling looked at me with wide eyes,

"Orm what are you doing" she got up and walked towards me, I shook my head and started to open her shirts buttons which she didn't object,

I pushed her shit off of her shoulder and open her belt, then pushed her on the couch, i straddle her and she grabbed the back of my head,

But what I didn't expect was her suddenly pushing herself in me, i cry out in pain,

"Don't cry now, you started it, don't blame me" she said I try to compose myself and that's when I saw the secretary actually standing in the door looking at us with a shocked face,

"You make me lose my mind wife" I just smile at her secretary, and fake gasped while looking at the door and lingling stopped

"What happened" i pointed at the door, as lingling turns around she roared in anger,

"What the fuck are you doing get out," the women got scared and ran off i laugh at lingling, but feel satisfied with the reaction,

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