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One minute later......

Well, it wasn't the end for them.

Destiny had plans for them, what's meant to be was going to be. Even a deluded serial killer wouldn't kill the prank loving idiot Harry was. And still is.

Zayn recovered quickly cause time was of the essence. He checked Harry's pulse, the latter was not dead. The shot actually grazed his arm. The wound was bleeding but not so much. He rolled him onto recovery position and got to work.

He strode toward the coffee table, leaned down to yank out his gun he'd put there earlier. You see, he saw the way Harry was constantly checking him out and had the feeling he would end up in Harry's place later that night.

He searched for the ad to try any information on Harry then add it all up and figured where Harry lives.

So while Harry was at work he had his bodyguard break into Harry's place and strapped the gun there, under the coffee table. His dad did not allow him to leave the house without a gun. He also knew his bodyguard would be happy with that agreement.

What Zayn hadn't confessed to Harry was that his dad was actually a powerful crime boss.

Title unknown to some as he was a bonafide architect and own a widely successful architecture company. Malik senior inherited the title of crime boss from his own father as well as various legitimate restaurants to hide dirty money. Needless to say Malik senior has half of the police force on payroll, most judges and the mayor.

Zayn was introduced to that world when he became a teenager. At 13 he learned how to shoot a gun to kill.

Besides perfecting his golf swing playing alongside the wealthiest people in the country, something needed for keeping up appearances in business world, he could shoot a running target metres away.

Harry was shot. Keeping up with the notion he'd kill any bitch getting between them he got ready to settle a score and teach the shooter a lesson.

He grabbed Harry's flat keys, ran out closing the door behind him and headed for the stairs. Having been around criminals all his life he's heard them talking about avoiding taking the lift to escape a crime scene be it day or nighttime.

He was hoping Harry's shooter would do the same as he cocked his gun running down the stairs to catch up with him. Thankfully Harry lived on eighth floor, there were lots of stairs and he was fit enough to take two at time something hard going down at fast pace but Zayn had been training with the military since he was 14, he sprinted down like a cat.

When he finally caught up he shot a warning shot on the wall causing the man to look back at him. His gun was a silencer and didn't cause a loud racket rather a whooshing sound.

The man aimed a gun at him. There were about ten stairs between us. "Stop. I don't want to shoot you."

"You might as well, I've seen your face." Zayn pointed his own gun at the man, walking the last set of stairs to reach him.

The man cocked the gun. "I'm warning you, go back, check on your friend_"

"You need to check yourself, mate." Zayn said standing few feet away from the man. "Do you know who I am?"

The man scoffed. "A little boy playing with gun_"

"Back at you. How could you miss at such a close range and only cause a graze, arthritis got the better of you?" Zayn mocked looking at him up and down. "What's your name?"

The man chuckled. "What is it to you?"

"Because in approximately two minutes cleaners we'll be here to clean up your blood, ditch your body in an incinerator so I need to deliver a suicide note to your family. So, what's your name?" Zayn chuckled seeing the man visibly shaken, "You shot my boyfriend you don't think you're leaving out of this building alive, do you?"

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