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Seungmin had managed to sneak out of Chan's penthouse the next morning, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and emotions. He had told himself it was just a one-night stand, just another notch on his belt, but something about Chan had gotten under his skin. He couldn't shake the feeling of Chan's touch, the way his voice had sounded when he whispered those possessive words.

As the days passed, Seungmin tried to put Chan out of his mind. He went back to his usual routine—work, nights out with Hyunjin and Felix, the occasional fling. But no matter what he did, his thoughts kept drifting back to Chan.

And then the messages started. At first, it was just a text here and there—short, cryptic messages that made Seungmin's heart race. But then they became more frequent, more insistent.

"Miss me?"

"We're not done yet."

"You can't hide from me."

Each message sent a thrill of fear and excitement through Seungmin. He knew he should block the number, tell Chan to back off, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he found himself waiting for the next message, wondering what Chan would say, what he would do.

And then one night, after a particularly long day at work, Seungmin came home to find a single red rose lying on his bed, a note attached to it.

"Tonight. My place. Don't make me come get you."

Seungmin's heart pounded as he read the note, his mind racing. How had Chan gotten into his apartment? How had he known where to find him? The logical part of his brain told him to run, to get as far away from Chan as possible. But the other part of him, the part that had been craving Chan's touch since that first night, couldn't resist the pull.

That night, Seungmin found himself standing outside Chan's penthouse once again. He hesitated, his hand hovering over the doorbell, his mind screaming at him to turn around and leave. But before he could make a decision, the door opened, and Chan stood there, his eyes dark with desire.

"I knew you'd come," Chan said, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

Seungmin didn't say anything. He couldn't. The sight of Chan, the raw intensity in his gaze, left him speechless. Before he could gather his thoughts, Chan grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

Chan wasted no time. He pushed Seungmin against the wall, his hands roaming possessively over Seungmin's body as he kissed him with a hunger that bordered on desperation. Seungmin moaned into the kiss, his body responding eagerly to Chan's touch.

"You belong to me," Chan growled against Seungmin's lips, his hands gripping Seungmin's hips tightly. "I won't let you go."

Seungmin's breath hitched, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through him. He knew he was in over his head, but he couldn't stop himself. He wanted this—wanted Chan in a way he had never wanted anyone else.

"Say it," Chan demanded, his voice rough with need. "Say you're mine."

Seungmin hesitated, his mind torn between his desire for Chan and the fear of what it meant to give in completely. But as Chan's hands moved lower, teasingly brushing against his most sensitive areas, Seungmin's resolve crumbled.

"I'm yours," Seungmin whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and desire.

Chan's eyes darkened with satisfaction, and he wasted no time in claiming what was his. He lifted Seungmin into his arms, carrying

593 words

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