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Jing Yuan didn’t come to say goodbye to you. The night before when he asked you to go to the Yaoqing for him and buy him some time, you had hastily agreed. And once the morning light broke and you found yourself rolling out of his bed while he stilled sleep, you started to prepare to leave.

Jing Yuan had already told you that the Yaoqing was expecting you along with a few guards, however…

“Lady Y/n, we should really be going.”

It was already noon, and yet you remained standing on the docks next to your starskiff transport. Your eyes scanning the people passing by in hopes to see Jing Yuan walking towards you. And after a few more moments looking around, you relented in the guards urgency to leave.

“You’re right, my apologies. I just thought the General will see us off.”

“Why would the General bother with that? I mean no disrespect, but even if you’re his retainer, well,…”

You smiled lightly at the guard as you both walked up the ramp to your transport vessel, “I know, you don’t need to finish that sentence.”

It was true, you were his retainer, his right hand, he relied on you. And in the quiet place of his room, he would hold you, but as you said before. He wasn’t yours and you weren’t his. You never kissed or got intimate with one another, but he would hold you. He would hug you tight as if you would disappear at any moment, and yet your relationship was still General and his loyal retainer and advisor.

And you were saddened at the fact that that relationship title will never change. Though, maybe it was time to move on. You had a silly crush on the man for so long now. It would be nice to find new love. To find someone that you could call your own.

Entering the starskiff and nodding to the pilot (signaling them to take off), you left for your private quarters. And finally you were alone.

Heaving a sigh, you walked towards the bed and fell into it.

“I guess I should do that,” you muttered, “once I complete this mission, I’ll tell Jing Yuan he can’t hold or cuddle with me like that anymore. And then, I’ll find someone to love and hopefully they’ll love me too.”

Opening your eyes and staring up at the ceiling, you smiled, “but I have to actually finish this mission first of course, which shouldn’t be a problem…I hope.”

And despite not feeling tired, you ended up falling asleep anyway. And it wasn’t until you heard the call of your name outside your door did you wake up.

“Lady Y/n! We have arrived at the Yaoqing!”

Yawning, you rubbed your eyes and stood up. Stretching a bit, you cracked your back as you looked into the full body mirror to make sure you still looked presentable.

“Thank you, and apologies, I didn’t realize how tired I was.”

The cloud knight guard merely nodded to you as he moved out of your way.

Quickly composing yourself, you left the starskiff, your feet feeling a tad bit heavy as you walked down the ramp. Your eyes scanning the crowd carefully as two cloud knights stood on either side of you.

“Lady Y/n!”

You smiled slightly when Feixiao came into view. Her presence was vast and garnered a lot of attention as she made her way to you.

“General Feixiao, I didn’t expect to be welcomed personally. In fact, I would of preferred it if you let me come to you instead.”

“Nonsense! I would feel bad for treating Jing Yuan’s advisor so poorly.”

“Making me walk around isn’t treating me poorly, you know?”

Feixiao gave you a dismissive wave causing you to laugh a little at the interaction, which was when you took of the foxian beside and the shadow behind her.

“And you two are?”

“You can call me Jiaoqiu, I guess you could say I’m the general’s doctor, and that is Moze… I guess you could say that he is the General’s guard.”

You nodded as you politely introduced yourself, “you can call me y/n. I’m General Jing Yuan’s retainer and advisor.”

“A retainer and an advisor,” Jiaoqiu asked amused, “how tiring that must be.”

“I manage,” you said back with an equally teasing tone.

Feixiao clapped her hands together, “now that we are all introduced, are you hungry or anything? We don’t have to jump into business right away.”

You thought for a moment, but ended up declining, “I am alright for now. But thank you,” you answered simply as you continued to hold your smile. It was time for you to get to work.

stuck with you || jing yuan, feixiao, jiaoqiu, & mozeWhere stories live. Discover now