Chapter 8

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Harry's hand comes up and lightly grasps Rena's chin before connecting their lips.

Rena's mind takes a second to realize what just happened. Her lips react just as he pulls away.

Without meaning to, Rena lets out a whimper caused by the lack of contact.

"Holy shit," Harry smiles, looking at Rena. Rena's face heats up from his stare," I- holy shit"

" You already said that," she giggles as they move up in line.

" I did, didn't I?" he chuckles. She nods smiling. Something she can't seem to stop doing.

That was the first-sober-kiss she's had since sophomore of college. And she forgot what she was missing but thankfully Harry decided to jog her memory.

As Harry starts to complain about how long the is, Rena looks at Harry.

Thinking, why on earth would a man like him kiss me?


After dinner Harry drives Rena back to her apartment.

" Would-do you wanna come up?" Rena asks as she steps out of his car.

He lets out a whistle," Wow, Rena! That's quite the offer!" He smirks.

" Oh, well, oh," she catches on," Harry!" She scolds.

" What? A mans mind only thinks about two things: food and sex. And we just ate," he winks.

Rena feels her face heat up and body tingle because of Harry's honest words.

" Wait!" She realizes something," Andrew, my brother. He's a man! Ew!" She scrunches her nose at the thought of her brothers perverted thoughts," Ew, ew, ew," she shakes her head in an attempt to rid her mind of such thoughts.

Harry laughs at her reaction,
" I'm kidding, babe! That's not all we think about," he comforts as he steps from his car," and to answer your question. I would love to see where the Famous Rena-" his voice drops to a whisper,
" what's your last name?"

Rena realizes with surprise that they haven't exchanged last names.

" Oh it's-"

" Whisper," he quietly reminds her smirking.

She rolls her eyes," It's Reynolds," she whispers back.

" Where the Famous Rena Reynolds lives," he finishes theatrically.

" It's really not that great," she mumble quietly, sliding her coach purse over her shoulder.

" Well, lets see about that," he winks shutting his car door and following Rena.

She unlocks her door and curses herself for not cleaning up this morning. Harry'll think she's a slob, with all the papers every where and the sink overflowing with dirty dishes. Rena's face flushes with embarrassment.

" Sorry about the mess," she breathes as she scrambles around picking things up and shoving them random places,
" I normally," she pauses, shoving a book on her book shelve," keep it pretty clean but work has been so busy lately that I-I uh haven't gotten around to it."

"Ah, 's fine. If it was spotless it wouldn't be home," he smiles trying to ease some of Rena's obvious embarrassment.

" Oh well, then, welcome to my humble abode," she giggles, using her arm to showcase her tiny apartment.

" Thank you, Rena! It's really an honor," he says as he looks around which causes Rena's insecurities to creep back up.

As he walks around her family room looking at the pictures of her small family and other pictures Rena thinks.

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