Chapter 2

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"Unnie, which one is more your type, Yongsun-sunbae or Irene-sunbae?" Wheein asked as she spun in her desk chair.

Byulyi was laying on the bed, a pillow between her arms and a book in her hands. She turned to the shorter girl and gave her a weird look as the question came out of nowhere.

Wheein just blinked at her as she waited for an answer.

"What if Hyejin-ssi was my type?" Byulyi asked with a straight face.

"Because if she was, you would've been a blubbering mess that day we bumped into her." Wheein replied instantly.

Byulyi smirked. "Like you were?"

Wheein blushed. "Yes, like how you were in the library with Irene-sunbae." She retorted.

It was the blonde's turn to blushed as she pushed up her glasses... "I wasn't a blubbering mess, I—she caught me off guard."

"Mhmm...So Yongsun or Irene-sunbae?" Wheein asked.

"They're both out of my league, so I'd rather not dream of something unreachable." Byulyi said flatly.

Wheein deflated. "Would Hyejin be too out of reach for me?"

Byulyi put her book down and looked at Wheein's unsure expression. "No Wheein, she's not out of reach for you. In fact, I think you two would look adorable together."

Wheein smiled as Byulyi patted her head. "You really think so?"

"I can already see it." Byulyi said confidently.

She wasn't lying. The past few days, even though Hyejin was too preoccupied with people coming up to her, Byulyi found the raven-haired beauty glancing at Wheein every time she and Byulyi passed by. Hyejin couldn't get away from her fans, but Byulyi knew she wanted to talk to Wheein.

Wheein put both hands on Byulyi's shoulders and gave her a serious expression. "Then Yongsun-sunbae and Irene-sunbae are not out of your league."

Byulyi smiled and nodded. "Fine, okay I hear you."

She knew Wheein wouldn't let up if she didn't agree with her.

Wheein's arms dropped to her sides. "So, which one is more your type?"

Byulyi thought for a second. They were both incredibly pretty, but Irene's quiet personality intimidated her. "Yongsun-sunbae."

Wheein's eyes widened. "Really?"

"No, but you weren't going to stop asking." Byulyi admitted.

"So, both of them?" Wheein asked.

Byulyi groaned and rolled her eyes. "No, they're not my type 'cause I don't know either of them...I'm more of a personality person."

Wheein finally relented and nodded. "Oh...that actually makes sense."

"Are you done questioning me now?" Byulyi asked with an amused smile.

"For now..." Wheein smiled cheekily.


Hyejin laid on the floor as they finished their run through. "Unnie, can we pleeease take a break?"

Joohyun chuckled as she laid next to Hyejin.

Yongsun paused the music and chuckled seeing both girls laying lazily on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. "Okay, we can take a fifteen-minute break."

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