Mud Blood

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A.N.: I forgot that British English has a difference in the writing of some words. It turns out that the editing was quite careless in this regard, although there are (I hope) no translation errors.

Edit: I apologize for not posting sooner. The change of months ended up confusing me, and I ended up having a lot of things occupying my thoughts these days.

Harry poured himself some tea slowly, trying to push the sleep away from him as he made his way from the cup to the toast and eggs. Much due to the holidays as much as Professor Lockhart, his new daytime routine was defined the previous weekend.

As much as Gilderoy was satisfied with his exact answers and his ability to act, Harry avoided, as much as he could, crossing paths with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor both outside and inside the classroom. He was a threat to be feared, and Harry didn't really want to be around him - which proved irritating, considering the man woke up surprisingly early.

His desire not to be in the same room as the man led him to wake up almost an hour earlier than before, getting moving when the sunlight didn't even scratch the waters near the windows in Slytherin. For some reason Malfoy had already gotten up, but Harry took his attention away from that as he shuffled into the bathroom.

The Great Hall was perfectly empty; the golden plates and cutlery rested in their places, shining clearly, no food yet filling the gap formed by crystal dishes between the two parts of the tables. The candles were still smoking from the recently extinguished fire, all in a strange blue tone in the low light. The enchanted sky on the ceiling did not even remotely indicate where the sun was, it only contained greyish-white clouds floating scattered across a blue plane. It was only when he settled down at the table and watched the light breakfast materialise that he realised it was Saturday, and that no one was getting out of bed anytime soon.

Swearing under his breath, he helped himself to tea and biscuits and planned what to do with his free time. The weather was perfect, the first week of the end of summer. The trees were still very green and the grass was very soft, so it was a bit quick to opt for a walk around the school grounds.

Hogwarts had something truly attractive about its fauna; an immense green carpet that looks like satin stretched across the entire castle island, accompanied by bushes and hedges scattered in a semi-wild garden with many decorative plants. An abnormally large group of trees made up the Forbidden Forest, creating a gloom that made it difficult for the Sun to spread even on clear days. The air gently swayed the summer-nourished leaves, plucking some and carrying them away for a short but meaningful adventure. The geography was odd; There was no way the castle island could house all the vegetation, but apparently it could. The Black Lake was larger than what one normally sees, but it is still largely impossible to be able to surround a forest without something other than magic.

The Giant Squid ventured below the surface, swimming beneath a thin layer of water held only by hydrostatics. The sunlight reflected off it brightly, seeming not to even bother the creature's huge eye, which was brighter than Harry expected. She seemed very pleased with her little exercise.

The Quidditch stadium rose beyond the lake and diametrically opposite the direction of the Forbidden Forest, being very visible throughout the eastern area of ​​the island, obscured by the Towers on the other side. Banners flew atop four long poles, and the stands were coloured in the colours of the Hogwarts houses. Harry thought that, with time to spare, resting in the silent and empty stadium was a good option before heading back to the castle. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't that empty.

Colin Creevey, the crazy first-year Gryffindor who was always chasing Adrien, stood right in front of him as soon as he climbed into the stands to sit down.

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