Im sorry (vent #1, Sept•10•2024)

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I'm so sick and tired of doing this shit. I feel like I'm never good enough for my mom or family.

It's not my fault I have trouble concentrating on my lesson and get up every few minutes. (Virtual school)

It's not my fault I have to take multiple showers a day just to not go to bed having a panic attack.

I'm sorry I don't get to sleep until like morning and wake up exhausted.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I didn't wake up. Would it make life different? How soon would people get over it?

Hell I can't even stay clean for more than 8 days without relapsing.

Sometimes it seems like the only people there for me are bands I like. I don't know them but they seem to care nonetheless even if it's just through music.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

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