Chapter~6 Are You F***ing Kidding Me/Ummm...Ouch!!

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            ~Megan's P.O.V~

As we pulled up into the BIG arena i looked at my phone. It read 7:50pm. Just in time the concert starts in 10 minutes.

"Okay Tori the concert starts in 10 minutes, that'll give us enough time to go find our seats" I told her while trying not to freak out. Ummm hello i get to see 5 not 1 but of the Sexiest sex gods in the world perform in just 10 minutes.

Just as Tori was about to say something the cab driver interrupted her " Okay gals here is your stop" he obviously was not from Australia. 

"Oh here" i handed him the money and we ran out of the cab.

Once we got inside the building we gave a large man out tickets and we went up torwards the front where are seats were. Well we wernt at the way front but close enough. I wish we were close enough to touch them but we werent we were just 3 rows from the stage so i guess it'll have to do for now. 

And besides we get to meet them afterwards so it's all good.

As soon as we sat down the music started playing and LWWY came through the speakers and one by one they came running onto the stage. Me and Tori started freaking out. They were so hot.


They have done only two songs so far LWWY & KISS YOU. But ive noticed that Harry has been looking at me a lot during the show. But maybe it was just my imagination. 

" Hey Meg, Babe i noticed Harry has been checkin you out" She said while wiggling her eye brows

" No he hasnt, he was just staring at some girl infront or behind us" I said to her trying to brush it off.

After they got done singing KISS YOU, some guys brung out stools for they boys to sit on. And before they started singing Harry made an announcement.

"This goes out to a special girl that i didn't actually get to meet properly while i was on the plane coming here, today she thinks im some creep that laughed when her friend told her, her sleepy voice was sexy" he said while giggling the last part.

Right after he made that announment i started to think about what Tori told me on the plane and how that creepy sexy dimple guy laughed when she told me my sleepy voice was sexy. But i soon just brushed it off it was just a coincidence that he laughed at a girls friend that called her friends sleepy voice sexy, and so did Tori with me.

Right then they started singing LITTLE THINGS and omg their voices sound even better in person. And way more Sexy!

They moved on to C'MON, C'MON and in the middle of it some guy with a black shirt that said in white letters 'Security' on it came up to us.

" You two lets go" He said then reached out to grab us. We both started screaming as another large man came and one grabbed me and the other grabbed Tori. 

I looked onto stage just to take one last look at the boys and something caught me off gaurd. Harry wasnt singing he was just starring wide eyed at us, and then a door was closed right in my face and i didn't see him anymore.

 "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR" i yelled at the two men.

" First off language and second because we got a complaint about you two so your out of here, bye" He said and threw us out. 

Just like that.

Boom. We were out.

" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" Tori screamed at the top of her lungs 

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