~ The one with the napkin

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The sound of laughter filled your apartment as you stood by the kitchen counter, watching Naza lean dramatically against the wall, holding her stomach from laughing too hard. Across from her, Jimin was perched on the arm of the couch, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he playfully mimicked Naza's previous misstep.

"I swear, I've never seen someone almost face-plant while simply trying to sit down," Jimin teased, his smile wide.

Naza huffed, waving him off. "It wasn't a face-plant! I was being graceful, thank you very much. Not everyone has your dance skills, Jimin." She raised her glass of wine, taking a sip before glaring at him over the rim, though there was no real malice in her eyes.

"Graceful?" Jimin laughed harder, causing Naza to reach for a cushion and toss it at him, which he dodged with ease. "Okay, sure. You keep telling yourself that."

You couldn't help but laugh along with them. The energy in the room was warm, and it was the kind of carefree moment you cherished. You and Naza had been friends for years, and Jimin had slipped seamlessly into your life. His playful teasing and light-hearted demeanor always managed to lift your spirits.

Meanwhile, Hobi was sitting cross-legged on the floor, scrolling through his phone while occasionally chiming in with a comment or two. His presence was comforting, his laugh infectious. Whenever Hobi was around, the room felt brighter, as though he carried a personal sunshine with him.

"Okay, okay, enough!" Naza groaned, still chuckling as she rubbed her cheeks, which had grown red from laughing. "I'm done being the butt of everyone's jokes for tonight."

Jimin grinned but didn't press further, and Hobi put his phone down, stretching his arms overhead. "You're too easy a target, Naza. But it's all love."

You rolled your eyes affectionately, moving toward the fridge to refill everyone's drinks. "I'm pretty sure Naza could throw some dirt on you too, Hobi. Don't act like you're above being teased."

"Hey, I never said I wasn't," Hobi replied, raising his hands in mock surrender.

The familiar warmth of friends and shared moments filled the room as you passed out drinks and snacks. Bam, Jungkook's Doberman, trotted lazily around the apartment, occasionally nudging your leg with his nose in a silent plea for attention. You smiled, leaning down to scratch behind his ears.

"We should take Bam to the park," Naza suggested, her eyes lighting up as she watched the dog pace around the room. "It's too nice of a day to stay cooped up inside."

You glanced toward the window, where sunlight streamed in, casting golden patches of light across the living room floor. It was true. The weather was perfect for an afternoon outside—warm, with just a slight breeze. You could already picture Bam bounding through the grass, tail wagging, while the rest of you relaxed under the shade of trees.

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea," you said, standing up straighter. "I could use some fresh air."

Jimin clapped his hands together, looking excited at the prospect of getting out. "Yes! Let's make it a little park day. We can bring snacks, maybe a little speaker for music... it'll be fun!"

Hobi grinned. "I'm down. We can take some photos of Bam for Jungkook while he's off doing whatever mysterious, brooding thing he's up to today."

Naza giggled. "Yeah, he's probably busy with work or something. But who knows? Maybe we'll bump into him."

You felt a slight pang at the mention of Jungkook, remembering the awkwardness from the night before. Even though you had talked it out, the lingering feelings still hovered in your chest. He had apologized for being cold, blaming it on exhaustion, but something about the way he had withdrawn so suddenly still nagged at you.

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