Chapter 1

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I know it's overplayed but I wanted to do a story with the "babysitter turned baby" theming. I hope to keep it short because I haven't finished my other story. But i wanted to and i was getting a bit bored of the other one, ill keep working on the other one once this one is done with, I don't plan on it being a long story so i should be back working on the other story soon enough.

Onto the story...

James stepped out of the car and shut the door behind him. His mom waved goodbye as she drove off, leaving James there on his own.

James had been in need of some money, and his parents had suggested to him that he should try babysitting as an easy way of getting money when he needed it. Recently James had been wanting a new video game and to pay for that he'd decided to try babysitting. He didn't really know how he would go about finding potential babysitting jobs, so he asked his Mom for advice on how to find them. To his surprise however, instead of giving him advice, she told him that one of her friends really needed a babysitter, and that they were really desperate. She also told him that because of this, she was probably willing to pay quite a lot... And she was not wrong.

However James quickly realised why they were so desperate when she told him that they needed him SOON. As soon as James's Mom confirmed that the job was still open and that he would be okay to do it, he ran upstairs to pack his bag. He was only staying for one night, so he didn't feel particularly pressured to pack too much, he didn't even bother to pack a change of clothes.

He packed a toothbrush, toothpaste and other essentials, his laptop and also some bedding, since he didn't know what the sleeping arrangement would be. He packed this all into his trusty backpack, along with a few snacks.

Once he was packed he got into the back of the car for mom to drive him to the location. It wasn't actually until now that he begun to learn really anything about what he would be doing aside from the timeframe...

He was going to be babysitting for Annie, one of Mom's friends from since they were both kids. Annie had what she lovingly called a "catastrophe" of young girls. Two 12 year old twins called Lily and Lisa, a 10 year old called Nina and a recently-turned 8 year old called June. Annie was going out and needed a babysitter to look after them. At this point James could see that this going to be maybe a harder job than he had thought, but there was no going back now, and besides, how bad could it really be?

James rung the doorbell. He waited there for a few seconds until the door opened to a lady who James assumed was Annie. She was oddly well-dressed, odd because based on the state of the house and the car parked outside it they did not seem to be "fancy" people.

"You must be James" She says, welcoming him inside.

"Yes" He responded, taking a seat once inside.

"Good, I need to go very soon, now.." She says, sitting down across the table from James. "Let me give you a run-down of what you need to know"

"Firstly, You'll need to know that I've put June, my youngest in pull-ups for while you'll be looking after them. She doesn't really need them, but better safe than sorry, Sometimes she has trouble holding it in if she has to wait to use the toilet for example. If she ends up using one, there's a cupboard with several packs of fresh ones, and a couple packs of goodnites, I'll explain those in a sec, and a few packs of baby diapers, but those are really only for June and maybe Nina on if we end up doing a really long car journey or if we're going camping, so I don't expect those to be relevant for the time you'll be here"

"Alright" He replies.

"And on a similar topic, Make sure they are all in either Pull-ups or Goodnites for bedtime. June and Nina, are the only real bedwetters hear, Lily very occasionally has issues but it's very unusual, only really if she stays up very late and/or drinks a lot before bed, but as I said before, to make it easier for you I think it's better that they all wear them. I've told them this beforehand so they shouldn't put up all too much of a fight about it, but if they do there's a pack of sweets in the top most right shelf, 3 for Lily and Lisa or 2 for the younger ones should be enough to get them to do, well really anything" She says with a giggle.

"Just whatever you do, try your best not to let them see where the sweets are. A different babysitter made that mistake about a year ago, and they got through 3 packs of sweets before I realised what was happening and finally had to relocate them"

"Got it" He replies.

She then lowers her voice "Also, Lily and Nina have been having bowel problems at night. |To put a long story short what happens is they wake up in the middle of the night, really needing to use the toilet but they try to and for whatever reason they are always really constipated and aren't able to go, causing them to stay up for quite a while until they finally go back to bed, and that messes up their sleep schedule, and also causes problems if somebody else wakes up needing to go the the toilet while one of them is already doing that, it causes even more problems, in fact that's caused more of Lily's recent accidents than actual bedwetting"

She then passes him a small tub of pills labelled as laxatives.

"To fix the problem I've been giving both of them one of these every night. I usually just add them into their drinks while I'm making them or something like that. So remember to do that before they go to bed but after they've had dinner. The sooner the better, but it doesn't make all too much of a difference"

"Ok, got it" He says, stuffing the tub into his pocket.

"They should have eaten by no later than 8 and in bed by no later than 9:30. They will probably want to watch a film or play a board game so make sure you plan for enough time for that. There's ingredients for a variety of meals in the kitchen, however if it's on the top two shelves of the fridge it's off-limits. Occasionally they either wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep or they can't get to sleep in the first place, there are light sleeping pills hidden in the cupboard with the pull-ups and goodnites, there should be 4 packs of wipes, but the back left one is empty and has a container of sleeping pills inside. Just take one of those and make a cup of warm milk and stir it in, that should fix it"

Ok, got it" He says.

"That should be everything you need to know, if you have any trouble, just call me. Now, let me show you your room and let me introduce you to the girls, and then I can get on my way"

James's babysitting gone wrong! (diaper story)Where stories live. Discover now