Chapter 6 - The Cleanup

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Some time had gone by, and by now the game was finally coming to an end. James finally stretched his legs as he stood up, glad it was over. He was hoping that whatever he would have to do next would be less annoying. Nina had mentioned something about some TV show and it seemed like that was what the other three wanted to do aswell. Of course, James didn't want to watch whatever TV show it was going to be, but it was better than playing that stupid game, he thought.

However they had other plans...

"We're going to go watch TV, you stay here and clear up all the toys, every single one, and put them where they belong. Then you're going to empty the bin, then you're going to clean the tables, clean out everything from under the beds, and just in general the whole room should be spotless, and if it isn't done how we like it by , lets say half an hour, then we're going to punish you by, uh, taking you outside dressed like that, that sounds like a good punishment, let's do that" Lisa says with a grin.

James's jaw dropped. Out of everything they could have done, taking him outside like this was one of the worst things he could have even imagined. He really hoped they didn't mean taking him to anywhere there was people, the thought of people he knew finding out about this was terrifying.

"You can't be serious!" James says, shocked "There's no way I'm going outside LIKE THIS"

"Well you'd better get on with it then" Lisa says, following her sisters downstairs and closing the door behind her, leaving James with a monumental task with not a lot of time to complete it. James sighed as he looked around at what he was going to have to do. The room was a mess. Toys all over the floor, plates, cups, bowls, utensils, wrappers and other forms of rubbish everywhere, other random stuff lying around, not to mention the bin which was overflowing, part with the same kinds of rubbish that was lying around, but about half old used pull-ups. Which, as he looked around, he also couldn't help but notice there were also quite a few stuffed around in random places like behind furniture.

He then got down to look under the beds, where there were what looked like years worth of the same stuff as around the other parts of the room under there. Wrappers galore, toys (many of which broken) used pull-ups, ect.

Meanwhile downstairs. "This is so much fun, I'm so glad we did this, although I think we should make a bit more mess after he's done so Mom doesn't notice, but we still don't have to do much work when she next tells us to clean up" Lily say to Lisa as they all sit back and relax to the TV.

"Oh yeah, good idea" Lisa replies.

"I'm worried he will actually do it, because I really want to take him outside" Nina says.

"Oh don't worry about that, there's no way he gets quite literally all of it done. He will certainly miss something or forget about something or run out of time before he does something. Even just the slightest thing. And even if he does somehow get the entire room done, we can always just make him do it anyway, it's not like he has any choice" Lisa replies.

"Oh, I guess you're right" Nina says.

James decided to start with the toys, since it was easily the least gross and easiest job. Just put the toys were they belong. There were several tubs across the room were they were supposed to go, all labelled with what was supposed to go inside. "Doll items" "Barbie dolls" "lego" ect. This made it quite easy to do, but the pressure of the time meant he still really had to rush.

Only about 10 minutes into the tidying, James had already done an impressive amount. He was still a long way off, but it felt possible. But then, he felt what he could only assume was the laxatives starting to take effect on him.

James new full well he wasn't go to be able to hold it in much longer with what he was feeling. He thought about asking the girls about using the toilet, but he didn't want to waste more time, and he pretty much already new the answer would be no. With this in mind, James squats down and he begins to push. With a warm fart, the back of the pull-up grow heavy and warm as the warm mush fills it up.

James had known this was coming since he had been given the laxatives in the first place, and the fact he hadn't had to do it whilst he was being watched was a bit reliving. But this also meant that unless they allowed him a change before then, he would be going out in a messy Goodnite along with everything else he was forced to wear. With this in mind, he quickly got back to tidying, determined to get this done in time.

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