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Georgette: Starlet, are you okay? you seem upset

Starlet: thanks for being so observant, Georgette. I am upset

Holly: but why? you have natural blonde hair

Starlet: Allen cheated on me again

Starlet: but this time it was with my brother

Holly: OH

Starlet: but any time I express any upset about it, my parents freak!

Starlet: they say "Starlet, stay woke! don't get us all cancelled!"

Starlet: like what the fuck?

Starlet: my high functioning anxiety disorder can't take it anymore

Holly: oh, girl, you got cheated on!

Georgette: this is the one instance you're allowed to be homophobic

Mala: yeah, Starlet, say "fuck them gays!"

Mala: say it!

Starlet: fuck them gays

(they're all some flavor of queer)

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