The Infinite is led by 4 beings called The Absolutes, they being the Absolute Himself Ashura Asmodeus Belial Serving them are the created ones, they are responsible for creating the universes, there are infinite universes and infinite creators, along with that there is the Mugen no Kaku, the Core of Infinity which is what constitutes and connects everything, Every creation needs to have a Kuronoso (Cronos), because a created one only has to create, they cannot destroy, kill or change the destiny of something already created, only create, That is why the Kuronosos serve, if there is an error that a creation causes, the Kuronoso destroy or kill for them. An interference happened in one of the lines of the Mugen no Kaku, which means that the universe of that line will not be the same as other universes, and the universe of that line is that of creation called Oliris.
Shototsu clamarial: Chapter 1 Runes arc
General FictionThe Universe is infinite, but interference can occur, follow the unfolding of the story of the clamariais in the Arc of the Runes.