Some time passes and Cronos decides to act, due to the interference in the mugen no kaku, the Cronos of this universe is different from the others, the clamars are all in the center of the earth because they were summoned by Koronosu
Cronos: Listen carefully, my clamars and demons The demons lived together with the clamars, Everyone here is a weapon created by Oliris for a single purpose, To be a slave to others
Senturu: What do you mean by that?
Cronos: Oliris is not the one above all, Besides her there are the 4 absolutes, and I need you to remove them from the throne, Together we can leave this cycle of protection, and go to the cycle of domination, You will be kings by my side.
However Cronos was only manipulating the clamars.
Perstilens: Why not? hahahaha, I never liked protecting these useless races.
the more Sin Perstilens was absorbed, the more cruel he became over time.
Cronos: Together we will get out of Oliris' control, and we will be our own kingdom.
The Clamarials were manipulated, With an excess of 4 Jamo, Senturu, Absira and Grigori
Jamo: Listen, I will not go against the will of my creator, if my goal is to protect the other planets, then let it be.
Oliris then appear on the spot
Oliris: Koronosu!!!! what do you think you are doing?
Cronos: Being a leader, just
Oliris: You weren't supposed to do that, Someone interfered in mugen no kaku
Cronos: It doesn't matter, I already have the Clamarials on my side, Are you going to face me Oh great goddess?
Olíris: You know I can't...
Absira: Don't worry, I'll fight for you
Olíris: I appreciate it
Cronos: Whatever, I think you can face me
Jamo: I have one of the strongest runes, I'll use everything I have
Perstilens: Wait
Cronos: What's wrong?
Perstilens: Both Jamo and I have the special runes, do you want a duel Jamo?
Jamo: Who do you think you are, you piece of shit?
Perstilens: I'll fight for Koronosu and you for Olíris, hehehe
Jamo: Okay, if you insist...
Shototsu clamarial: Chapter 1 Runes arc
General FictionThe Universe is infinite, but interference can occur, follow the unfolding of the story of the clamariais in the Arc of the Runes.