The Tickle Torture

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Chapa had noticed something a little odd about Bose recently. Well, okay, everything about Bose was odd, but there was something new. Every time she brushed against him, whether by accident or just in passing, he'd jerk away like he'd been hit by lightning.

At first, she didn't think much of it. But then, during a training session, she noticed something interesting. She gave him a light poke in the side, and Bose nearly jumped out of his skin.

That's when it hit her.

Bose O'Brian was ticklish.

And not just a little ticklish. No, this guy might be the most ticklish person in the universe.

A mischievous smile spread across Chapa's face. She had found his weakness.

A couple of days later, they were lounging in the Man Cave, taking a break from another one of Ray's ridiculous training exercises. Bose was laying on the couch, his arms stretched above his head as he rambled about the new pizza-flavored chips he wanted to try.

Chapa saw her chance.

Without warning, she lunged forward, jabbing her fingers into Bose's sides.

"AH!" Bose shrieked, his body jerking so violently that he nearly fell off the couch. "Wha—Chapa?! What are you—"

Chapa grinned, her fingers wiggling menacingly. "Oh, nothing. Just checking something." She poked him again, this time under his arm.

Bose squealed—actually squealed—and tried to scoot away, but Chapa was quicker. She pounced, pinning him to the couch with one arm and continuing her relentless attack with the other.

"Ch-Chapa! Stop! I c-can't—HAHAHA—breathe!" Bose howled, his laughter exploding from him like a volcano. His body writhed under her fingers, but no matter how much he squirmed, Chapa didn't let up.

"Oh, you can't breathe?" Chapa teased, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Well, maybe I'll stop. Or maybe... I'll try something new."

Before Bose could respond, Chapa grabbed a small feather she had spotted on the coffee table—where it came from was anyone's guess—and held it up for him to see.

Bose's eyes widened in horror. "No... No, Chapa, please! Not that!"

Chapa's grin turned evil. "Oh, definitely this."

With slow, deliberate movements, she dragged the feather down his arm, watching as Bose's face contorted in ticklish agony. His laughter turned high-pitched, and when she moved the feather to his exposed underarm, he shrieked again, writhing uncontrollably.

"CHAPA—HAHAHAHA—I CAN'T—HAHAHAHA—" Bose's words were lost in his laughter, tears streaming down his face as Chapa kept up her feather assault.

Chapa, clearly enjoying herself, leaned in close, her voice low and teasing. "Wow, Bose. I didn't know you were this ticklish. Are you the most ticklish guy in the world or something?"

Bose could only nod frantically, laughing so hard that he snorted.

Chapa froze for a second. Then, she burst out laughing. "Did you just snort? Oh my gosh, you sound like a piggy! What was that, Bose? Are you a pig now?"

Bose blushed furiously between his fits of giggles, shaking his head as he desperately tried to catch his breath. "N-no—HAHA—stop it!"

"Oh no," Chapa said, her teasing grin never fading. "I think you need a new nickname. How about Piggy? Yeah, that suits you. Ticklish little piggy, aren't you?"

Bose was laughing so hard that he couldn't even form words at this point. His snorts were coming more frequently now, and each one only made Chapa laugh harder.

But she wasn't done yet.

"Oh, you think that's bad?" she said, leaning back and grabbing a bottle of baby oil she'd found on Ray's workbench (again, who knew why it was there?). She squirted some into her hand and gave Bose a wicked grin. "This is gonna make it so much worse."

Bose's eyes widened again. "N-no! Chapa, wait—!"

But it was too late. Chapa slicked her hands with the baby oil and went straight for his feet.

The second her fingers touched his soles, Bose let out the loudest laugh yet. His body convulsed, and he kicked his legs frantically, but Chapa had him trapped.

"Oh my gosh!" Chapa laughed, her fingers dancing across his feet, now impossibly slick and ticklish. "You're such a ticklish piggy! I didn't know it was this bad!"


"Pass out from tickling?" Chapa said, smirking. "That's pathetic, Bose. But hilarious. Come on, just a little more..."

She leaned down and, without warning, blew a loud raspberry on his belly.

That was it. The combination of the baby oil, the feather, and the raspberry was too much for poor Bose.

He snorted one last time—so loud it echoed in the Man Cave—and then everything went silent. Bose's laughter stopped, and his body went limp.

Chapa blinked, leaning back. "Bose?"

He was out cold, a wide, goofy grin still plastered on his face.

Chapa stood up, looking down at him in disbelief. "Did he really just pass out from tickling?" She chuckled to herself, crossing her arms. "Ticklish little piggy."

A few minutes later, Bose slowly came to, blinking up at Chapa, who was standing over him with her hands on her hips.

"Wh—what happened?" Bose mumbled, groggy.

"You passed out," Chapa said with a smirk. "From being tickled."

Bose's face turned beet red. "Oh..."

"And you snort when you laugh too hard," she added, still grinning. "It's cute. Like a piggy."

Bose groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Oh no..."

Chapa laughed, patting him on the head. "Don't worry, Piggy. Your secret's safe with me."

But from the look in her eyes, Bose knew she wasn't letting him live this down anytime soon.



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