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It was supposed to be a simple mission—stake out the Swellview Coffee Festival and make sure no villains tried to hijack the event. Ray had specifically told everyone: "No drinking coffee. You kids are weird enough without caffeine making it worse."

But Bose, being Bose, didn't exactly follow that rule.

The Man Cave was unusually loud that afternoon. Chapa, Mika, and Miles were on the couch, recounting how they saved the day again, but all their focus was on the bundle of hyperactivity pacing around the room. Bose had consumed not one, not two, but five iced coffees, and he was not okay.

He was jittery, bouncing on his feet like a human pogo stick, muttering at 300 words per minute. His hair was disheveled, and his eyes were so wide they looked like dinner plates.

Mika folded her arms. "Okay, how many coffees did he have?"

"At least five," Miles muttered, eyeing Bose warily. "Maybe six. I lost count after the caramel latte."

Chapa snorted, leaning back on the couch. "Well, he's not crashing yet, so we're in trouble."

Bose darted across the Man Cave, mumbling under his breath. "I need to run. Or dance. Or invent something. Guys, why haven't we built a catapult yet? Oh my gosh, we could launch tacos into space—space tacos!"

Miles raised an eyebrow. "Is he even making sense?"

"Nope," Mika deadpanned.

Bose suddenly froze mid-step, like a robot who'd just powered down, and turned his head toward Chapa. Slowly, dramatically.

Chapa frowned. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Bose blinked once, then tilted his head. "Your face... it's so symmetrical."

Chapa narrowed her eyes. "What?"

Before she could ask him to elaborate, Bose plopped down next to her on the couch, his energy zeroing in entirely on her. "Your face is, like... so perfect. Why didn't I notice that before?"

Mika stifled a laugh behind her hand, and Miles gave Chapa a look that said, Good luck with that.

Chapa, however, was not amused. She shoved him lightly. "Okay, coffee boy, back off."

But Bose just grinned like an idiot, his entire vibe a chaotic mixture of joy and caffeine-fueled delirium. "You're awesome, Chapa. Like, I never tell you that, but you're—" He flailed his hands in the air dramatically. "—amazing. A-maaaazing."

"Uh-huh," Chapa said, eyeing him suspiciously. "Maybe sit down before you pass out."

Instead, Bose leaned in closer, still grinning from ear to ear. "I don't say it enough, but I think you're, like, my favorite person."

Miles and Mika were now openly watching this trainwreck unfold like it was the best reality show ever. "This is gold," Miles whispered to Mika, who nodded eagerly.

Chapa rolled her eyes, pretending she wasn't blushing at Bose's unexpected compliments. "You're so high on caffeine right now, it's ridiculous."

Bose wasn't listening. He leaned in closer still, as if he had just discovered something life-changing. "Did you know that your eyes sparkle? Like little electric clouds?" He gasped. "Electric clouds! That's... that's poetic, right?"

"Bose," Chapa warned, her voice low. "You're really close right now."

And then, before anyone could stop him, Bose leaned in—and kissed her.

Right on the lips.

The entire room went silent. Mika's jaw dropped. Miles's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. Schwoz, who had just walked into the room holding a tray of experimental snacks, took one look and promptly walked right back out. "Nope," he muttered. "Not my business."

Meanwhile, Chapa sat there, frozen in complete disbelief.

Bose's lips were soft, warm, and—nope. Nope nope nope. She yanked herself back, eyes wide as if the universe had just imploded.

Bose blinked at her, his goofy grin still plastered on his face. "Wow. Your lips taste like lightning."

Chapa's brain short-circuited for a full five seconds. Then she shoved him—hard—sending him toppling off the couch. "WHAT THE ACTUAL—?!"

Bose hit the floor with a thud, giggling like a maniac. "Was that real? Did we kiss? Oh my gosh, I kissed you!" He looked up at her with sparkling, caffeine-crazed eyes. "You're the best person to kiss! I think we should do it again."

Mika and Miles were now howling with laughter. Mika had tears streaming down her face. "This is the greatest day of my life!" she gasped between fits of giggles.

Miles could barely catch his breath. "I-I can't breathe! He kissed her!"

Chapa's face was on fire, her usual tough-girl demeanor nowhere to be found. "You. Are. Insane."

Bose propped himself up on his elbows, looking utterly delighted with himself. "Yeah. But, like... did you like it?"

Chapa stared at him, her brain still trying to process what had just happened. She wanted to strangle him and maybe laugh at the same time, which was a very confusing combination of emotions. "Bose, you are so lucky you're high on coffee right now, or I'd murder you."

Bose grinned, completely unfazed. "So... is that a maybe?"

Mika and Miles dissolved into laughter again, clutching their sides as they rolled around on the couch.

Chapa buried her face in her hands. "I swear to everything holy, I'm going to throw him off the roof."

After about five more minutes of caffeine-induced rambling, Bose finally started to crash, his energy draining like a deflating balloon. He slumped against the couch, mumbling incoherent words about clouds and tacos before passing out cold.

The room fell quiet, save for the occasional snicker from Mika and Miles.

Chapa sat there in stunned silence, her mind still reeling. Bose had kissed her. Bose kissed her. And the worst part? She hadn't hated it. Not even a little bit.

Miles nudged her with his elbow. "So... when's the wedding?"

Chapa glared at him. "Say one more word, and I'll electrocute you."

Mika snickered. "Admit it, Chapa. You liked it."

Chapa groaned, sinking lower into the couch. "I'm never drinking coffee again."

The next day, Bose woke up with no memory of the previous evening. He scratched his head, confused by the weird looks everyone was giving him.

"Why is everyone acting so weird?" Bose asked innocently.

Chapa just crossed her arms, smirking. "Oh, no reason. But if you ever drink coffee again, I will end you."

Bose blinked, completely baffled. "Wait, what did I do?"

Miles grinned. "Oh, nothing major. Just kissed Chapa."

Bose's eyes widened in horror. "I what?!"

Chapa leaned in, a wicked grin on her face. "Yeah, space tacos. You kissed me. And you liked it."

Bose turned bright red. "Oh no."

Mika gave him a playful shove. "Yup. And now you're stuck with that memory forever."

As Bose buried his face in his hands, groaning in embarrassment, Chapa couldn't help but smile just a little.

Maybe caffeine-fueled kisses weren't the worst thing in the world after all.

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