1.14 | transfusion

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Cassie sits slumped in between Uncle Rick and Aunt Lori, her head on her uncles shoulder. She got to see Carl, he looked awful. She met a nice old man called Hershey or something like that, she can't really remember his name right now. He's the one taking care of Carl.

Her dad went with this man called Otis to get stuff to perform Carl's surgery. Otis was also the man who shot Carl, she wants to be angry, but Uncle Rick said it was an accident. She'll see how Carl feels about it when he wakes up, if he's mad she'll be too.

She's real worried about her dad, he should be back by now.

She's broken out of her thoughts when she hears Carl coughing. Cassie jolts up immediately before her uncle puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, stay here, it's okay." Uncle Rick says, pushing her back down before walking into the room with Aunt Lori quickly.

Cassie stands back a few inches behind the door, waiting impatiently. She wants to go in so bad, but she really doesn't wanna go against her uncle's wishes. Suddenly she hears the bed shake and she runs in immediately.

Carl's shaking on the bed. He must be having a seizure. Wyatt used to have these sometimes, before his brain shut down.

She turns around and hugs herself into Uncle Rick and Aunt Lori, letting the tears flow down her cheeks.

The shaking eventually stops and she keeps herself tucked into her Uncle.

"His brain isn't getting enough blood." Hershel, she just remembered his name, says. "His pressure is bottoming. He needs another transfusion." He continues.

"Okay, I'm ready." Uncle Rick says, holding out his arm. "If I take any more out of you, your body could shut down. You could go into a coma, or cardiac arrest." Hershel refuses, shaking his head.

"Just take mine!" Cassie yells. Shoving her arm in front of him. "It's O negative, mine goes everybody. Come on! We're wasting time."

Hershel hesitates, but nonetheless pulls out his equipment and sticks the needle in her arm. She doesn't let go of Uncle Rick's hand.


Cassie sits at the table of the farm's kitchen. She felt a little dizzy and woozy from the blood that was taken, but this nice girl who looked a lot like her named Beth gave her some really good apple juice. Maggie said she was gonna get her some food soon, which she's happy about, she hasn't eaten in ages.

Glenn was outside, said he wanted to think for a little bit. Maggie went out with him not long ago. She was just sitting with T-Dog in silence.

"Those painkillers really helped me, thank you." T-Dog says, looking up at her. She doesn't reply, just nods quietly.

"Whose were they?" He asks.

"My brother's." Cassie replies quietly, looking down at her apple juice and fiddling with her silly straw.

T-Dog looks at her curiously. Cassie has a brother?

Before he can ask, Maggie walks in. Glenn follows soon after.

"Alright, sweetie. What'd ya want to eat?" Maggie asks, coming up to her and opening up a cabinet. Cassie looks over to Glenn, a bit confused.

"Anything you want." Glenn confirms.

"Mac and cheese, please." She asks. Maggie nods and begins opening cabinets.


Cassie's sitting in front of a bowl of mac n cheese when she hears a loud truck outside. Oh shit, it must be her dad and that Otis dude.

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