𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 ♥︎

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"Okay, pass me the baking flour" Avery told you. You gave her the bag of flour as you washed your hands.

"Guys, I have a feeling we're gonna fax this up" Max said, reading over the recipe. "I mean, why don't we just make Libby do it?"

Avery rolled her eyes "My sister is busy today with her cupcake truck . Besides, it's national boyfriend day. Let's do something nice for them"

Max tied an apron around herself "Thea and Bex are lucky they don't have to bake cookies. I suck at baking"

You shrug "I'm alright at it. Besides, we're all smart"

"Are we?" Max groaned.

Avery nodded "Yes, we are. We just have to follow the recipe. Me and Max can make the batter. Bella, can you make the jam?"

You gave her a thumbs up, grabbing the ingredients "On it!"

You put on some music  as we started baking. You mixed the sugar and berries, with the milk and cream.You  put it in the fridge to cool "Okay, that's down"

Avery smiled as her and Max popped the cookies in the oven. "Guess we have some downtime"

Max shrugs, putting the stuff in the sink "That wasn't half bad, to be honest"

"Told you!" You and Avery said in unison, laughing.

The cookies finished, and we put the jelly on them in the shape of a heart. We put them in some baggies, and tied them with a pink ribbon. We waved goodbye and went to find our boyfriends. You heard some water splashing, and went to the pool. Sure enough, he was doing some laps. You waited for him to surface. You smiled "Hey"

He grinned and got out of the pool, dripping "Hey, what's up?"

You hold out the bag of cookies "I made you some cookies. Happy national boyfriends day"

He smiled and took the bag, touching your cheek and kissing you. You pull away "You got me wet!"

He laughs and engulfs you in a hug, soaking your clothes. You squeal, but hug back "Love you"

He kisses your cheek "Love you, too"

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