Chapter Twenty-Seven: Gomorrah

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"Nothing is what it seems."

Date: February 2184

Martin awoke to the low hum of the ship's engines, the familiar rhythm steady and constant. His eyes blinked open, taking in the dim lighting of his small, cramped quarters. He stretched, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from a few days of hard travel. As usual, it seemed like he was the last to wake up. Groaning, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, planting his feet on the cold floor.

He heard voices drifting through the corridor outside. A small commotion, nothing too alarming, but enough to pique his curiosity. He grabbed his boots, pulling them on quickly before running a hand through his hair, trying to make himself look halfway decent.

Once ready, he pushed the door open and entered the hallway. The voices were clearer now, an argument coming from the bridge. Martin moved down the narrow corridor, the metallic walls slightly claustrophobic. As he entered the bridge, he found Dez and Rinn sitting in their pilot's chairs, both with their attention on the controls, while Athria and Velpia stood closer to the door, their discussion already heated.

"I'm telling you, it's a mistake to stop!" Velpia's voice had an edge, her mandibles twitching in frustration. "Staying in one place is just asking for trouble. We need to keep moving, keep our head low." Athria crossed her arms, her expression calm but firm. "We can't keep running blindly, Velpia. I need to contact the Initiative to update them on the artifact. We have to stop by a comm buoy." Velpia scoffed, clearly not happy with that answer. "And what happens if the Geth catch up to us? Or worse, those damn mercs? We've been through too much to get caught now."

Martin leaned casually against the doorway, watching the exchange with some amusement. It wasn't just the conversation that had them both on edge—he could sense something else was at play. Maybe something a little more personal. He smirked, briefly entertaining the thought that perhaps they both had a "similar interest" in something... The air between them was thick, not just because of their tactical disagreement.

The argument continued, with Velpia's voice rising. "We don't have time for this! Stopping now is suicide!" Athria's voice remained calm, but there was a sharpness to it. "And wandering around aimlessly is a better option? We need to know where we're going. We can't just fly blind." Martin, enjoying the show for a moment longer, finally decided to intervene. He stepped forward with a smile, throwing his hands up in a playful gesture as he positioned himself between them. "Alright, alright, break it up, ladies. No need for a catfight in such close quarters." Athria raised an eyebrow at him while Velpia shot him an annoyed look. But his comment had done its job, breaking the tension just enough.

He took a breath, knowing he'd have to weigh in on the argument. And while part of him felt for Velpia's concern, he had to side with Athria on this one.

Turning to Velpia, he spoke calmly but firmly. "Look, Vee, I get it. We don't want to be sitting ducks, but Athria's right. We can't just fly around without a plan. We need to hit that comm buoy, figure out where we're going, and make sure we have everything we need. We'll be in and out quickly." Velpia's expression hardened slightly, clearly not happy that Martin didn't side with her, but after a moment of glaring, she relented with a sigh. "Fine. But if we get ambushed, don't say I didn't warn you." Athria gave a slight nod, her eyes flicking to Martin in silent thanks. "Dez, find the nearest comm buoy. We'll make the stop, get what we need, and then we'll move out."

"Aye-aye," Dez replied, her fingers moving over the console to plot the course. Velpia, still a little ruffled, muttered something under her breath before stepping away. "I need a drink," she said flatly, walking toward the galley. As Velpia disappeared down the corridor, Athria shot Martin a smile and a soft nod of gratitude before she, too, headed off, presumably to cool down after the argument.

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