Unexpected Heartbreak

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Chapter 1 - Unexpected Heartbreak

As I disembarked from the train, the brisk chill of the station enveloped me unexpectedly. I exhaled deeply, a sound of resignation. My eyelids drooped, weighed down by tears, my body ached from the weight of sorrow, and my spirit felt utterly defeated.

I took a moment to compose myself, reminding myself that I was in a new city now—a fresh start. The bustling atmosphere of station surrounded me, the sounds of chatter and laughter blending with the distant rumble of trains. But all of it felt muted against the roar of my heartbreak.

I grabbed my suitcase, its weight a reminder of the life I had left behind, and stepped onto the platform. The station was alive with activity, people rushing past me, engrossed in their own lives.

With every step I took, I could feel the tension in my chest begin to tighten. I was supposed to be excited about this new chapter, but all I could think about was Trent. The way he had kissed me, the promises he had made—how could he just leave? It felt like a betrayal, and yet I couldn't shake the memories of our time together, the laughter and the love. He left me on the train, he was supposed to be here with me - but instead he left me stranded in a new city without friends, without family and ... without him.

Navigating through the exit signs, I prayed I was on the right path as I maneuvered my way out of South Station. The bustling crowds made it seem like a maze, with hundreds of people scurrying about in all directions. I was far from the tranquility of the suburbs now; the energy of the city was intense and overwhelming.

As I stepped outside, the cacophony of city life hit me like a wave. The air was hot, filled with the sounds of honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and the distant wail of sirens. I squinted against the brightness of the summer day, taking a moment to adjust to the vibrant energy around me.

My eyes scanned the pickup zone, searching for a familiar face. I didn't know what I would do if I didn't find Jax. He was my lifeline in this vast city, the only connection to a semblance of familiarity. Just as doubt began to creep in, I spotted him—tall and easy to recognize, leaning against a lamppost, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. He was dressed more fancy than his usual artistic style, his purple hair tied back into a slick bun.

"Mal!" Jax's voice pierced through the chaos, his expression filled with concern. The familiarity of his Australian accent was a comforting balm to my ears.

Realizing I must have appeared disheveled, I quickened my pace to reach him.

As I approached, Jax's expression softened, and he quickly stepped forward to wrap me in a tight hug. The warmth of his embrace was a welcome contrast to the chill of my earlier emotions. I let out a shaky breath, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability wash over me.

"Thank you for being here," I managed to say, feeling the tears threatening to spill over.

"Of course, your call had me on edge," Jax replied, his gaze searching mine. "Where's Trent?"

The mention of his name hit me like a punch to the gut. My stomach twisted with a mix of anger and sadness, and I felt the tears threaten to spill over once again.

"Trent... he, um," I stuttered, struggling to find the words. "He didn't come with me. He got off the train before it left the station."

Jax's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean he got off the train? Why would he do that? Did something happen?"

I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady. "I don't know, things seemed great, wonderful. I guess-" I stopped myself, I don't know why but I just didn't want to talk about it anymore.

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