First Day On The Job

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Chapter 5 - First Day On The Job

The blaring of an alarm jolted me awake. My eyes fluttered open, a sense of panic creeping over me. The last clear memory I had was of taking shots...

I groaned, rolling over to silence the obnoxious beeping, and my head felt like it was being crushed in a vice. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the harsh light seeping through the curtains. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts, and as I lay there, fragments of the previous night started flooding back.

I remembered dancing with Ruby, the electric feeling of the music coursing through my veins, and the laughter shared with Meg. But as I tried to piece together the rest of the night, I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me. Had I hooked up with anyone? Or was it just a wild night filled with dancing and drinks?

I sat up slowly, I wasn't in Jax's house or Graces! Where was I?

Panic surged through me as I looked around the unfamiliar room. The walls were painted a soft shade of lavender, and the furniture was sleek and modern. It didn't look like any place I recognized, and I suddenly felt a knot tightening in my stomach.

I swung my legs off the bed and caught sight of myself in a snug Joan Jett t-shirt paired with a set of form-fitting men's underwear. Confusion flooded my mind—where exactly was I?

Adrenaline coursed through me as I tried to make sense of everything. I glanced around the room again, my heart racing. The faint smell of cologne lingered in the air, mixing with the remnants of incense and the faint scent of shampoo. It felt like I had stepped into someone else's life, and I wasn't sure how I had gotten there.

I tried to piece together the events of the night before, but the memories were fuzzy. I remembered Meg, her laughter, the way she had looked at me with those piercing blue eyes. Had we danced together? Had we kissed? My mind raced with questions I couldn't answer.

At that moment, the door swung open, and Meg walked in, leaning casually against the doorframe with a mug in her hand. She wore a tank top and loose male boxers, her midriff exposed. My heart raced—had we ended up together last night?

Meg looked at me with surprise, her eyes widening slightly. "Oh! You're awake!" she exclaimed, her voice bright and cheerful, seemingly oblivious to the panic swirling in my chest. "I thought I'd let you sleep a bit longer."

I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was a nervous laugh. "Um, yeah. I guess I lost track of time," I said, trying to sound casual while my mind raced with questions.

She stepped into the room, setting the mug down on a nearby dresser. "How are you feeling? You had quite the night!" Her tone was teasing, but there was a warmth in her eyes that made me feel a little more at ease.

"Honestly? A bit confused," I admitted, rubbing my temples. "I don't really remember much after we took those shots. This isn't Jax's place, right?"

Meg shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips. "Nope! This is my apartment. You ended up crashing here after the club. You were having a blast, dancing and laughing with Ruby and me."

I tried to recall the details of the night, but it was like trying to grasp at smoke. "Did anything... happen between us?" I asked cautiously, my heart racing as I prepared for whatever answer she might give.

She raised an eyebrow, the playful smirk still on her lips. "Well, we did do a little bit of dancing, and there was definitely some flirting," she teased, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed. "But nothing more than that. You were pretty out of it by the time we got back here."

I let out a sigh of relief, though a part of me felt a strange mix of disappointment and intrigue. "Good to know... I guess? I just wasn't sure what I might have done"

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