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The tide of war was no longer in Hitler's favor

Italy was mostly in allied control

The allies were going into Germany

And the Soviets were making their way to Berlin

All was lost

Location Berlin Hitler's Bunker

General Hoffmann "Mein Führer" he said as nervous as his colleagues

Hitler looked up from his desk

General Hoffmann "...the war is Lost... Surrender is our only option"

Hitler got up from his desk calmly

Then he grabbed his pistol and shot the general in the head killing him

Hitler "the fatherland will not fall!" He yelled at the other generals before throwing his pistol on his desk

Hitler "execute Plan R!"


SS occult officer "Jawohl mein Führer"

And so it began every where a German soldier has been buried they crawled from the earth and attacked

The eastern front was destroyed by the undead their logistics destroyed and their forces overwhelmed

JS-2 commander "keep firing!"

The tank fired blowing a group of the undead up

But more kept coming

Commander "there's too many reverse!"

But the zombies threw themselves into the treads stopping the tank

Commander "Черт!"

Driver "as long as we're in the tank were safe" he said as the dead hopelessly tried to attack the tank

But then the gunner saw something

One of the dead was carrying a Panzerfaust

Gunner "one of them has a Panzerfaust!"

Commander "quick shoot i-"

The Panzerfaust fired hitting the tank and killing the crew

And the western allies fared no better


Army camp

Us soldier "what the fuck are these things!?" He said as he fired his Thompson into a group of them

US captain "just keep shooting Sargent!" He said as he shoved his 1911 into one of the zombies mouth and blowing its brains out

US MG "AAAAAAH HELP!" the soldier on the 50 cal was grabbed from behind and thrown off the jeep

US soldier "shit!"

The Machine gunner screamed and yelled for help as the zombies ripped Open his chest and started to rip his guts out and eat them

US captain "come on we have to get the hell out of here!" He said grabbing the soldier by his uniform and dragging him away


"Come on lads! We can keep these hellspawn at bay!" The British officer yelled at his men as they were trying to protect a town

His squad was holding the line against the undead werhmacht

He fired his Sten into the growing crowd with his riflemen and the Bren gunner

Then they heard screaming

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