chapter 2 Nightmare

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Ruby woke up to find herself in a barn

Ruby "what the?" She asked as she got up and looked around

The barn was dark and cold

She moved towards the barn doors and opened them

She looked around and something felt immediately wrong

The farm looked like a haunted house

She saw the house and it was ruined the glass windowa broken and the door looked busted opened

She got out of the barn and slowly started to walk towards it

She looked inside through the door

Ruby "hello? Is anyone there?" She asked hoping for someone

But it was dead quite

Ruby slowly walked through the house trying to be as quiet as possible

She looked around and saw things scattered

Things on shelves were on the ground and chairs tipped over

Ruby "hello?" She asked her voice more scared

Ruby saw the stairs and slowly went up the boards creaking as she did

Once Ruby made it to the top she could see doors

Ruby went to the closest one and slowly opened the door to peek inside

The scene nearly made her vomit the room had 2 dead bodies lying on the ground

Ruby "oh my gods" she said seeing the dead bodies

Except they weren't dead

In fact they started to get up

Ruby "no!" She yelled as she tried to use her semblance to get away but sadly it wasn't working

Ruby "what! Why won't it work?" She asked but sadly the zombies burst out of the room and tried to grab Ruby but she ducked out the way and into another room

Ruby quickly closed the door but soon the zombies began banging on the door

Ruby looked around the room and saw another dead body but a regular one and it was Holding a bolt action rifle

Ruby quickly rushed forward and grabbed the rifle off the ground and opened the bolt to see if it was loaded. Once she saw it was loaded and closed the bolt and turned around in time to see the zombies starting Break through the door

She aimed the rifle but she hesitated and she hesitated long enough for the zombies to actually Break through so she fired hitting it in the head killing it

As the the second one got through she quickly loaded the next bolt and fired hitting it in the chest but not killing it

It jumped at her and she brought the gun up to its throat to keep it from biting her

As it snapped it's jaw at Ruby it began to claw at her ripping her clothes

Ruby's eyes widened as she brought her feet up to kick it off her

It stumbled backwards as Ruby got up and aimed the rifle at it firing at its head this time killing it

Ruby fell to the ground breathing heavily

Her semblance wasn't working she didn't have her weapon, her Aura wasn't protecting her and she didn't know where she was

Then she heard something outside

Ruby slowly walked towards the window and saw bright lights

It was a truck full of people

She saw the people from the truck all armed start to run towards the house

They all wore green uniforms with a weird metal helmet that looked like a disk or frisbee

They looked familiar, like-

Ruby looked at the ground at the man she took the rifle from and saw he was dressed exactly like them

Soon voices were heard

"Tom! Tom you still here? You were supposed to bring the farmers to the evacuation checkpoint"

Soon they came into the room Ruby was in and saw her with blood on her clenching the rifle against her chest visibly scared

Soldier "Jesus Christ little girl are you alright?" He asked as he slowly approached Ruby

Ruby nodded nervously

The soldier looked at the bodies

Soldier "did you do this?"

Ruby "I-i those t-two tried to bite me" she said pointing to the two zombies she shot

Soldier "did you know them?"

Ruby shook her head no

Soldier "and tom?"

Ruby "he was already....gone"

The soldier looked upset

Soldier "alright but you should come with is we can bring you somewhere safe"

Ruby nodded

Soldier "alright come on then" he said as he grabbed Ruby's hand and gently leading her through the house and outside

Soldier#2 "is that everyone? Where's tom?"

Soldier "he's dead this girl was the only one there she looked scared as all hell and by the looks of it, took out two of the undead with his rifle"

Soldier#2 "damn, alright get her onto the back so we can get going"

Ruby got into the back of the truck with the soldier

Soldier "alright were leaving!"

Soon the rest got on and the truck started to drive away

Soldier "what's your name kid?" He asked as they drove down the dirt road

Ruby "R-Ruby"

Soldier "well Ruby my name's Henry where are you from because you don't sound french"

Ruby "I'm from patch"

Henry "Patch where's that?" He asked

Ruby "it's an island off the coast of Vale" she said still sounding nervous and scared

Henry "and where's Vale? I don't think I've heard that name before"

Ruby "I want to go home" she said beginning to cry"

Soldier#2 " stop asking about her home it's making her sad she probably Misses it"

Henry "oh sorry I'll stop" he said

Ruby "...what happened?" She asked

Henry "excuse me?" He asked

Ruby "what happened why is there... zombies?"

Henry "well we're not sure why some lads think it's the second coming, some thing the Nazi's did it but I mean I've seen a shit load of Jerry's fleeing from them as well so I don't think so"

Ruby "Nazi's?" She asked

Henry "yeah those rotten German bastards that took most of Europe, it's a damn shame we almost liberated Europe before those blasted zombies came" he said as the truck got out of the forest and on the way to town


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