chapter 2 WTF

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Weiss wasn't completely sure where she was it looked like an old village that sort of looked like Vale but unlike Vale it was completely lifeless.

It looked like no one lived here In fact it was something out of one of those horror movies Yang showed her

The Towns windows were boarded up and the streets were completely deserted

Weiss thought about yelling but for all she knows there could be Grimm and she might draw unwanted attention to herself

So Weiss started to walk through the town

She saw a sign, this must be the town's entrance

As she rounded it the name was unfamiliar


Itter a place Weiss has never heard of

Come on there has to be someone around here somewhere

Weiss started to wander and look around town but every where she went the village was abandoned.

The streets were empty and as Weiss looked into the windows of houses and buildings only to see they too were empty

As she wandered through the village she came across a dirt road with a sign on it but someone painted "9:21" over the sign

And even if she did she couldn't understand the spelling the sign was in

But if she was going to guess whoever was living in the village was probably in this direction so she started to walk down the dirt road

As she did couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched so as she walked she looked around trying to see if anyone was watching from the forest or if she was being followed


Weiss turned around to see someone stumbling out of the forest

Weiss "who are you?!" She asked

???? Moaned and started to quickly rush towards her Weiss despite not having her rapier tried to use her semblance

It did not work at all so instead she started to run

It tried to grab her but only grabbing skirt and ripping apart of it off which most likely meant her Aura wasn't working

Weiss "why isn't it working!" She asked herself as she ran

She looked behind her to see that a few more had joined in on the chase

She looked forward and she could see the top of a castle like structure ahead

She hoped that's where all the people went

Meanwhile at the castle entrance

Ben "Conrad, hörst du das?" (Conrad do you hear that?)

Conrad "Nein, was ist es?" (No what is it?)

Ben "Klingt es wie Laufen?" (It sounds like running?)

Soon they got their answer when they saw a girl on a white dress running towards them

And she was being followed by zombies

Conrad "Heilige Scheiße, die Untoten eröffnen das Feuer!" (Holy shit the undead open fire!) He said firing his rifle at the zombies with Ben

The other guards heard this and rushed over and started firing their rifles as well killing the small group of zombies

Weiss "hey! Can you help me?!" She yelled at them

Ben "Was zum Teufel ist ein Amerikaner?" (What the hell an American?)

Weiss "please let me in!"

Ben "Öffnet das Tor! Da draußen ist ein Mädchen!"  (Open the gate! There's a girl outside!)

Soon the gate began to open

Weiss rushed through gate

The gate closed behind Weiss soldiers began to rush towards her

Ben "are you alright little girl?"

Weiss "I'm fine" she said panting not bothering to correct them by calling her a "little girl"

Conrad "what are you doing all the way out here? You obviously aren't Austrian or German"

Weiss was confused "what are you talking about?"

Ben "doesn't matter are you hurt?" He asked

Weiss "no but the ripped my outfit"

Ben "okay that's not bad there's probably clothes around here and surly something more practical then what you're wearing like a skirt"

Weiss Scoft it wasn't just a skirt it was a combat skirt....but yes it was ripped in a embarrassing area

Major "Was zum Teufel ist hier los?!" He shouted  (what the hell os going on?!"

Ben "Dieses Mädchen in Weiß kam auf das Tor zugerannt, mit den Untoten hinter ihr, also haben wir sie erschossen und sie reingelassen." he replied  (This girl in all white came running towards the gate with the undead behind her so we shot them and let her in)

Major "Ich dachte, wir hätten alle Leute in der Stadt?" (I thought we got all the people in town?)

Ben "Ich glaube nicht, dass sie aus der Stadt ist, sie klingt wie eine Amerikanerin."  (I don't think she's from the town she sounds like a American)

Major "Ein Amerikaner?" He asked

Conrad "Ja, Major"

Weiss was ultimately confused because these people were speaking a language she had heard before one that her grandpa Nicholas had taught her

Weiss "Wo bin ich?" She asked

The 3 looked at her surprised

Major "you speak German?" He asked

Weiss "my grandfather taught me it when I was a kid" she explained

Ben "maybe she's an ethnic German what's your name?" He asked

Weiss "Weiss, Weiss Schnee" she said giving a little bow

Conrad "well it's strange but it is German"

Major "anyway Ms.Schnee are you alright?" He asked

Weiss "I'm fine but my outfit is um.... ripped in a embarrassing area" she admitted embarrassed but changed the subject "but what's going on? Why is there zombies?" She asked

The 3 looked at eachother

Major "we will explain later but for now come with us I think you need a change of clothes but we mostly have some military uniforms the SS left behind" he looked at Conrad and Ben "Conrad, Ben take her to the storage room to find a uniform that fits her"

Ben and Conrad "jawohl Herr Major" they Saluted

Major "dismissed" he said before Walking away from them

Ben "alright MS Schnee come with us I think your very uncomfortable wearing something that damaged" he said leading the way

Weiss "yes and thank you" she said as she followed them


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