Chapter 3: The Reunion

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It was a warm afternoon when Ethan moved into the house. Sophie watched from the living room window as he carried box after box from the moving truck, his movements confident and practiced. The sight of him, surrounded by mundane packing materials, seemed so out of place compared to the image of him as the rebellious best friend of her brother.

Her brother's departure had left a noticeable void in the house, and Ethan's presence, while filling that void in some ways, also created a new kind of tension. Sophie tried to push aside the flutter of nerves and excitement as she moved about the house, attempting to keep herself occupied.

Eventually, she couldn't resist and found herself outside, casually helping Ethan with the last few boxes.

"Need a hand?" she offered, stepping onto the porch where Ethan was struggling with a particularly stubborn box.

He looked up, his expression breaking into a grin. "Hey, Soph. Sure, I could use some help."

As they worked side by side, the conversation flowed easily. Ethan's presence was as familiar as it was unfamiliar, a reminder of the complicated feelings she had tried to ignore.

"Thanks for helping out," Ethan said, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "I'm not sure I would've gotten all this done without you."

"No problem," Sophie replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "It's nice to have some company. Things have been pretty quiet around here."

Ethan chuckled, a sound that always made Sophie's heart race just a little faster. "Well, I guess I'm here to shake things up a bit."

Sophie laughed softly, trying to keep things light. "You always did have a knack for that."

As they carried the last of the boxes into the house, Ethan paused and looked at her with a thoughtful expression. "You know, it's strange being back. Everything feels so different."

Sophie glanced around, noting how the house had changed without Mason's presence. "Yeah, it's not the same without Mason. But I'm sure you'll get used to it."

Ethan smiled, a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. "I hope so. It's good to be back, though. Feels like coming home."

Sophie's heart skipped at his words, a mixture of happiness and apprehension. She knew that this new arrangement was going to change everything, but she couldn't deny the excitement it stirred within her.

As the evening approached, Sophie and Ethan found themselves in the kitchen, making dinner together. The space was filled with the aroma of cooking, the clatter of pots and pans, and the easy camaraderie that came from working side by side.

"So," Ethan said, leaning against the counter with a playful smirk. "What's the best way to bribe your brother into leaving you alone while I'm around?"

Sophie grinned, shaking her head. "You know Mason. He's got his own ways of dealing with things. But I think he'll be happy you're back. He's always missed having you around."

Ethan looked at her with a mixture of gratitude and something else—an emotion that Sophie couldn't quite place but felt strongly nonetheless. "I missed being here too."

The conversation continued, filled with easy laughter and shared stories from the past. As they worked together, the chemistry between them grew stronger, and Sophie couldn't ignore the pull she felt toward Ethan.

By the time dinner was ready, the sun had set, and the house was filled with the warm glow of the kitchen lights. They sat down to eat, and Sophie found herself savoring not just the food, but the moments spent with Ethan.

As they enjoyed their meal, Ethan's gaze lingered on her with an intensity that made Sophie's heart race. It was a look that spoke of something more, something forbidden and yet irresistibly enticing.

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