Out, Go!

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Authors note: from now on you can read in the title of the chapters while what episode these scenes happen in. The first part of this chapter doesn't have an episode but the last has. We will go through nearly each episode in this story so get yourself ready! Enjoy the chapter! And thanks for reading!

"Bruce!" he shouted again, this time someone replied "Calm down Dick everything's fine." Dick sighed in relief, it was Bruce. "The doors locked, could you get it open somehow?" There was a reply that was not expected by Dick "No, you'll stay in that room."

"What!?" Was all Dick exclaimed... he refused to believe that Bruce locked him in his room. That must be an impersonator or something. "It's safer in there then in the outside world." Bruce replied from the other side of the door, the man must be going crazy. "Bruce if this is a joke it's a really bad one! Let me out!"

Calm as ever Bruce replied "No I need to protect you, this is safer for you." The man was really going crazy. Dick leaned against the door with his back, he heard Bruce going down the stairs. Now he was alone locked in his room. If he had a computer he could hack into the security. But not like this. The only computer he had in his room at the moment was a long dead tamagotchi...

Wally would perhaps try to visit him, but he couldn't really help either. Bruce would probably send him away and Wally couldn't vibrate through walls, that always just ended in nose bleeding.

Out of frustration he threw a book at the window, he threw it with such force that the window shattered. Now the only thing separating him from the outside was that darn metal thing... he wondered how thick that thing actually was.

He hit the metal with his fist, it didn't even bend. He took his desk lamp and started building it apart. Now he sat there with multiple shards of metal, he broke a big chunk apart and got a wound on his palm in the process. But it didn't matter to him. He grabbed the sharpest shard and hit the metal window with it.

It still didn't work. His eyes fell on a soldering iron that laid on his desk from working on a few gadgets the other day. He grabbed it, turned it on, waited till it was warm and then started holding it at one place on the metal.

After awhile he grabbed the shard from before and hit it at the spot where the iron had been. Success! The metal bend! It wasn't broken through or anything, but there was a dent! For the first time in hours Dick felt at least a bit proud of himself.

He repeated the same procedure many times till there was a hole in the medal window, from there on it was easy to rip it down. He hoped he wasn't being to loud.

It was nearing dinner time when there was a knock at his door, if you're wondering: he ate what he had actually made for school as lunch.

The knocking person could only be one person. Dick quickly pulled the curtain in front of the window. Bruce locked the door open shoved a plate with pasta inside and locked the door again. Dick didn't even try attacking him. He knew Bruce was stronger and it would be stupid to put his plan at risk.

He ate the pasta in silence... well he couldn't talk to anyone. Then he packed a bag, he put a suitcase with a R on it inside, a spare Robin costume and that was it.

He heard a blood curling scream that was definitely Bruce's downstairs.

He quickly put on another Robin costume he had, put on the backpack, wore a hoodie over the Robin outfit, grabbed some money and jumped out.

The sleeve of the pullover partially ripped open when it connected with a few shards of the window. He rolled off on the ground and couldn't care less about the new scratches that were bleeding on his arm.

He walked over to the next partially busy street and got in a taxi. "Where to at this time?" The driver, a man in his late 40s, asked. "Metropolis" Dick replied, the man raised a eyebrow "For such a long ride you have to pay first." Dick haded him the amount of money needed and the driver started driving.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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