Chapter 7

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The day of priya’s engagement arrived with all the pomp and grandeur that was expected from a family of her stature. The Mehta household was buzzing with excitement, and the preparations for the event had been in full swing for weeks. The sprawling garden of their mansion was transformed into a picture-perfect venue with twinkling fairy lights, floral arrangements, and luxurious seating. Every corner of the space exuded opulence, a testament to the social standing of the Mehta family.

Guests began to arrive in their finest attire, greeting each other with smiles and congratulatory wishes. Priyaa’s parents, Rajesh and Meera Mehta, were visibly beaming with pride as they greeted the high-profile attendees, business partners, and extended family members. The engagement had become more than just a celebration of their daughter’s future; it was a display of their wealth, status, and influence. For them, this day marked the fulfillment of their carefully laid plans for priya’s life.

But amidst the glittering celebration, priya stood in her room, looking at herself in the mirror, feeling anything but joy. Dressed in an exquisite designer lehenga, her makeup flawlessly applied, and her jewelry sparkling under the soft glow of the lights, she looked every bit the part of a soon-to-be bride from a prestigious family. Yet, her eyes reflected none of the happiness or excitement that her outward appearance suggested.

Her heart was heavy, and a sense of dread loomed over her. The engagement felt like the final nail in the coffin of her dreams, her desires, and her love for vikram. She had always known that her family had plans for her future, but she had never truly understood the depth of their determination until now. With each passing moment, the reality of the situation settled in more deeply. She was about to pledge herself to a man she barely knew, all in the name of preserving her family’s legacy and fulfilling her parents' ambitions.

As her friends bustled around her, adjusting her jewelry and making sure every detail was perfect, priyaa forced a smile, trying to suppress the inner turmoil that was threatening to spill over. She had mastered the art of putting on a brave face in front of others, especially her family, who had high expectations of her. But inside, she felt as though she was crumbling. The weight of the situation was suffocating her, and the closer the ceremony came, the more trapped she felt.

Stepping out of her room, she was greeted by the sight of the grand engagement stage, adorned with flowers and lights. Her fiancé, Rohan, stood waiting for her at the end of the aisle. He was everything her parents had hoped for—a successful businessman from a respected family, well-mannered, and charming. But for priya, Rohan was a stranger. She had met him only a few times, exchanged polite conversations, but there had never been any spark, any connection. Not like the one she had felt with vikram.

As she walked down the aisle, her mind drifted back to the moments she had shared with vikram—their long conversations about life and dreams, the way he looked at her with sincerity and warmth, the laughter they shared when they worked together on charity projects. She remembered the way her heart had fluttered when he had first smiled at her, the way his presence had made her feel understood and valued for who she was, not just for her family name or her wealth.

A tear threatened to escape her eye, but she quickly blinked it away. She couldn’t afford to show any signs of hesitation now. Her parents had already sacrificed so much for this moment, and disappointing them wasn’t an option. But as she stood beside Rohan and exchanged rings, the hollow feeling in her chest only grew stronger.

The cheers of the crowd and the applause that followed felt distant and surreal to priya. She smiled and posed for the cameras, but her mind was far away, with vikram, the man who had quietly slipped out of her life to spare her from the conflict between her heart and her family. She wondered where he was now, how he was coping with their separation, and whether he had moved on. The thought of him hurt, and the void he had left in her life felt impossible to fill.

Meanwhile, vikram had thrown himself into his work, trying to distract himself from the heartbreak of losing priya. After their tearful farewell, he had made the difficult decision to focus on his own personal growth. He knew that he had no place in priya’s world, that his humble background and modest lifestyle would always be a point of contention for her family. And so, in an effort to protect her from further turmoil, he had walked away, leaving her to the life her family had chosen for her.

But no matter how hard he tried to immerse himself in his work, the emptiness remained. He missed priya more than he could put into words—the sound of her voice, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her dreams, the kindness she showed to everyone around her. Being without her felt like a part of him was missing, and he often found himself thinking about what could have been if circumstances had been different.

Late at night, after the day’s work was done, vikram would sit in his small apartment, thinking about the life he had envisioned with priya. He had dreamed of a simple yet happy life with her by his side, free from the constraints of wealth and status. But those dreams seemed further away than ever now.

His friends had noticed the change in him—he had become quieter, more reserved. They tried to cheer him up, to pull him out of the sadness that had enveloped him, but nothing seemed to work. He kept telling himself that he had made the right decision, that walking away from priya had been the best thing for both of them. But the pain of that choice still lingered, like a wound that refused to heal.

As the weeks passed, both priya and vikram found themselves trapped in their respective worlds, struggling to move forward while still clinging to the memories of the love they had shared. Priya’s engagement might have been celebrated with grand fanfare, but for her, it felt like the end of something beautiful, something real. And as she looked ahead to her future with Rohan, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever feel the kind of love she had felt for vikram again.

The engagement had solidified her place in the life her family had always envisioned for her, but it had also solidified her growing sense of isolation. Priya was surrounded by wealth, luxury, and privilege, but without vikram, without the freedom to follow her own heart, it all felt meaningless. She had fulfilled her family’s expectations, but in doing so, she had lost a piece of herself—perhaps the most important piece of all.

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