Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV

Chapter 2: Tension and Teasing

The next morning, I woke up with Lisa still on my mind, the way her lips had brushed my forehead the night before playing on a loop in my head. It had been a sweet gesture—too sweet, really. It left me craving something more. But I wasn't about to rush things. No, that wouldn't be satisfying.

Lisa liked to play this game, and I wasn't about to let her win that easily.

By the time I got to practice, the tension from the previous night had settled into a low hum beneath my skin. The others were already there—Jisoo casually scrolling through her phone, Rosé stretching in the corner, and, of course, Lisa, effortlessly cool as she lounged against the wall, her dark blonde hair tousled in that perfect, messy way.

I rolled my eyes. How could someone look so good doing absolutely nothing?

As I made my way across the room, Lisa's eyes found mine, and a familiar smirk curled at the corner of her lips. "Morning, Nini," she called out, her voice playful, a challenge already brewing in her tone.

"Morning," I muttered, trying to keep my voice casual. But I knew the game had already started. The second she called me 'Nini' in that teasing way, it was on.

She sauntered over, her strides long and confident, those wide doe eyes of hers fixed on me like I was the only person in the room. I could feel the others watching, but I didn't care. This moment was just for us.

"Rough night?" she asked, her voice light, but there was something behind her words, something she wasn't saying.

I shrugged, playing it cool. "Not really. Why?"

Lisa tilted her head, studying me with a playful, innocent smirk that was all too knowing. "You sure? You look like you didn't sleep well."

I shot her a glare, pouting and crossing my arms over my chest. "I slept fine, thanks."

Lisa chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Must've been thinking about me, then."

I rolled my cat like eyes again, trying to hide the way my heart skipped and lips tugged slightly upwards at her words. "Please. Don't flatter yourself."

But even as I said it, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and Lisa noticed. Of course she did. Doe eyes twinkling, smirk widened, this idiot took a step closer, lowering her voice so only I could hear.

"Maybe I was thinking about you, too."

The teasing lilt in her voice sent a jolt of something—excitement, frustration, maybe both—through me, but I wasn't about to let her see that. Not yet, anyway... Keep it cool Kim, you're Jennie motherfukin' Kim.

"You should work on better excuses Lili," I shot back, raising an eyebrow. "If you're gonna tease me, at least make it believable."

Lisa's laughter echoed loudly clearly enjoying the quick remarks spewing out of me so naturally. Our back and forth an art form after years of friendship, and for a moment, everything else disappeared. The music, the chatter of our friends—it all faded into the background, leaving just the two of us standing there, caught in our own little world of banter and tension.

She opened her mouth to say something else, but before she could get the words out, Jisoo's voice cut through the air. "Alright, you two, break it up. We've got work to do."

Lisa laughed again, stepping back just enough to break the spell, but the teasing glint in her eyes never left. "Guess we'll continue this later," she said, winking before heading back to her spot in the studio.

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