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I sighed, walking out of the change room. "These clothes are gigantic, do you really carry a change of clothes with you at all times?"

Tristan nodded. "Sometimes I have to go on business trips last minute, so I keep them in my car." He turned around to look at me.
I raised my hands up, I was wearing his baggy ass sweatpants and a sweater which I thought was pretty cute.

I watched a grin creep up his face, I side eyed him. "What are you looking at?"
"Nothing." He snickered. "You're so short." He put his hand on my head.
"Shut up." I slapped his hand off. "I used to be taller than you at one point, I wasn't an ass about it!"

Tristan crossed his arms, raising a brow. "Yeah, so that's a total lie." We walked towards his car together, down the street. "You bragged about it for years until I came back one summer and I was taller than you. THAT was when you finally shut up."

I got into the passenger seat, looking over to the drivers seat as he got in. "Whatever!" I put my seatbelt on. "Where are we going?" I put my chair all the way back. "I'm hungry."

He nodded, "I figured you would be. You wanna go get sushi?"
I grinned, nodding quickly. "You know me too well." I shook my body excitedly.

Tristan started the car and began driving, his sleeves rolled up, revealing his forearms. They were so attractive.
Serena, get a grip.
I turned on the radio, playing some music. "So, how's life been?" I looked at him. "I never asked you about that."

He shrugged. "Same old, same old. Though, the last time you saw me— I wasn't in magazines." Tristan chuckled.
I nodded, "You won't imagine the look on my face when I saw you in the Times. I was like, is that the Tristan I KNOW?" I did a gasp, laughing afterwards. "Life seems good for ya."
He nodded, his eyes focused on the road. "And you?"

I bit my lip, looking out the window. What was I supposed to say? That my life sucked?
But then again, this was Tristan.
"You know. Just, life." I nodded, clenching my jaw awkwardly.

"You can tell the truth, you know." He looked over at me, and then back at the road.
"I know. But I'd rather not." I fiddled with the extra long sleeves.
Tristan nodded slowly. "Whatever suits you." He smiled, turning up the volume of the music, and we drove.
Once we got to the restaurant, we were seated almost immediately. I grinned at the sight of the menu, snatching it and looking through.
"Ooh! The spicy salmon sushi..." I tapped on the menu, turning it to Tristan.
"You sure you can handle spice?" He tilted his head at me. "You've been in a country with no spice in their foods. I highly doubt you should start that strong, Serena.."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I'm ordering them anyways."

Tristan nodded, "I'll just get the California rolls and Sashimi."
"You don't want spice?" I rose a brow.
He shook his head. "No, I don't like it."
I guess he really had changed. He always loved spice when we were kids..

The food arrived shortly after, and I took a roll with my chopsticks, stuffing it into my mouth. "Yum!" I muttered with my mouth full.
Tristan snickered, grabbing some salmon and dipping it into soy sauce— putting it in his mouth.

Soon enough, Tristan was right in seconds. The spice was BAD. I used my hand as a fan, shooing myself. "Oh god. It's spicy. It's SPICY, Tris." I stuck my tongue out, waving it.

He sighed, "This is why I told you not to get these." He slid my plate towards himself, and pushed his plates towards me. I chugged down my water glass, and took a California roll— eating it.
"But you don't like spice—" I said, right as he took a bite of the roll.

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