Part 3

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Sophia gestured Sunset to sit beside her with a warm smile. Sunset feel grateful and take a seat on the chair besides Sophia politely.

"Yes a little information about the little girl who's born with power"

“..born with power? mean power of creation, dear?" Said Sophia softly.

"Yes, power of creation. Could you please tell me where might the little girl be Mrs. Sophia?"

"I would love to help more than enything my dear... And just call me grandma, it's better than Mrs. Sophia dear Sunset"

Sunset got excited that she Sophia is willing to help her "Really?!, thank you really much Mrs. Soph- Grandma!".

Sophia chuckled a little bit by Sunset excitement thinking of her latest Grand daughter as Sunset called her grandma.

"But grandma, why are you willing to help a knight like me without a reason?" Sunset ask with confusion while tilted her head a little.

Sophia smiled a little and answer with honest. "The reason is because you're a knight dear, you have a good heart, I can see it, and you remind me of my grand daughter who passed away dear".

Sunset feel guilty for Sophie's grand daughter news. "I'm sorry to hear that grandma... And thank you again for helping me"

"It's fine dear, enything that happen has it's own good reason so you don't have to feel guilty my dear"

Sunset smiled after hearing Sophia's words. Meybe she's right, enything that happen has it's own good reason.

" can you tell me where's the little girl is now?, I need to find her as fast as possible before something bad happen to her grandma".

"The little girl?, i need to find that out using my power dear" Sophia replied with a warm smile.

"What kind of power do you have grandma?"

"Mind reading" Sophia replied without hasitate.

Sunset got surprised with Sophia's power "Mind reading?! you've been reading my mind all this whole time?..."

Sophia chuckled and pat Sunset's shoulder a little bit. "No dear, no, I didn't read your mind yet. I can if you want to"

Sunset relief a little bit because even though she's not thinking of enything stupid but glad that Sophia didn't read her mind. "It's fine... I don't think that's needed grandma"

"Yeah, you're right dear, now let's get back to point, give me some time to figure out where the little girl is dear"

"Ok grandma, take all time you need"

Sophia nobs and close her eyes to read all people's minds in the village so she could find out where the little girl is. Sophia read each person's mind and lastly find out a little information about the little girl. Sophia opened her eyes and look at Sunset.

"Dear, I think I found out where the little girl is dear"

Sunset's eyes shine with excitement, "really?!, where is she grandma?"

"She's fifty meters away from here on south my dear"

Sunset get up from the chair and bowed as appreciate Sophia's help more than enything "Thank you grandma!, I really appreciate that, I would love to repay you back later"

"It's fine dear, I'm always happy to help a kind person like you dear. If you need more help just come to me, I'm always happy to help dear"

"Thank you grandma, I'll remember that. I should take my leaves now grandma,take care!" Sunset bowed again and walk towards the door.

As Sunset about to open the door, a shining sword in Sophia's shop catch her attention, she looked back for a little bit and shake off her head and leave Sophia's shop.

(Thank you for reading!)

(Please correct me if I write something wrong so I can fix it before I got roasted 😅)

(Thanks for the reader again, I really appreciate it so please wait for part 4!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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