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"What am i doing here on this trip? On this ship?" She didn't belong there with the others, of this she was sure. "Come on." She thought to herself. "I'm no treasure hunter. I mean jeez, I can't even find all of my socks when I do a load of laundry. Just because I happened to be there when that treasure was found those years ago doesn't mean that I deserve to be here. It means that I got lucky, just a lucky little kid who happened to be playing garden in the right place at the right time. It wasn't even that much gold, only one chest full."
"That's not enough. That's hardly a qualification." The thought stuck to the inside of her skull like peanut butter to the roof of your mouth, worried peanut butter, peanut butter that doesn't deserve to hunt with actual treasure hunters. She took in a deep breath to try and calm her nerves as she walked over to port side. The elongated rays of the setting sun reached down reflecting just enough off of the ocean to reach deep into her pupils and start stinging away.
"A serene sight aren't they?"
Her eyes were so sun blinded that she hadn't noticed the talking stranger that had sidled up next to her. She held her hand up to block the sun, so that she could see the man's face.
"Barnaby Wright, and you must be..." He flashed a warm smile whose glow rivaled the dusk sun as he offered a greeting handshake. He held a hypnotic gaze which she couldn't tear away from. Luckily, the sun reflecting off of his glasses stung her iris enough to break the spell.
"Twist, Georgia Twist." She tried to sound like a confident treasure hunter, but was positive she failed as she accepted the handshake.
"A pleasure to meet you, Ms.Twist."
Again he flashes that smile, something about it is off putting. Makes her squirm at her core, but trust him at the same time.
"Quite the serene sight those are, as I was saying."
It takes a second for her to catch on, he's staring off to their destination. But what in the world are the "those" that he's talking about? As if reading her mind he points over to the area of the island that he has been observing to explain.
"look close, you see those silhouettes? Those statues up there on that ridge? Those are called "Moai" nobody knows exactly how they were built and moved all around the island with such primitive technologies that were available at the time of their construction."
She has to squint to see them, she can just barely make out the faces eternally staring off to the southwest.
"Wow!" The tone of amazement danced ballet over her exclamation.
"I have never seen anything like that before." He turns to her, his mouth doing it's best Cheshire cat impression.
"A real hunter would have."
Silence gripped the air between them as she processed what was just said for a moment. That once warm grin has changed, something about it now seems different. Sinister.
She can't find the words to argue his point. She wants to, but deep down she knows that she agrees. She's no hunter. Wright's grin has faded into a threatening scowl.
"The treasures on this hunt, all of them will be mine.
I don't know how you got an invite to a hunt as exclusive as this one, but we have no room for wannabe Indiana Jones's that just get in the way. So why don't you just stow away on this ship until it takes you back to whatever pretend treasure hunter hobby land you came from."
Silence hung thicker than the surrounding ocean water. Others stared at the verbal assault, ship crew and hunters alike. Wright took a deep breath with his eyes closed, the friendly grin returned.
"A pleasure meeting you, Ms.Twist."
He turned and strolled away, a delightful spring in his step. Georgia choked back tears as the ship neared the docks of the island, a far off sound came from the island. Not unlike a rolling thunder...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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