The Incident [34]

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Zoe blinks dully as Mrs. Johnson goes over the most recent chapter. They're getting close to the end of the book. Zoe read ahead and already finished the whole thing. Frankly, she regrets doing it. Mrs. Johnson notices Zoe's bored expression.

"Kim, why don't you tell us what chapter thirty three means for the story as a whole?" Mrs. Johnson asks.

The question doesn't phase Zoe. She sits up a little straighter to appear as if she was paying attention the whole time.

"Chapter thirty three introduces a proper antagonist to the story and ups the stakes. For the story as a whole, this means it's approaching the climax." Zoe explains.

Mrs. Johnson smiles at Zoe's answer.

"Exactly. Great job, Kim." Mrs. Johnson praises.

Zoe nods in acknowledgment.

The rest of the chapter review goes by without issue, and Mrs. Johnson finally allows them a brief reprieve from schoolwork.

"You doing okay?" Tracy asks.

Tracy has a look of concern clouding her expression. Her normally easygoing demeanor in class is nowhere to be seen. Zoe smiles to show she's fine, nodding.

"Of course! It was Derek who had to go to a hospital, not me." Zoe replies.

"I know, but he's tough." Tracy says.

"True. I think in a horror movie he'd just kick the killer's ass, hehe." Zoe giggles.

Zoe's adorable giggle draws a few perplexed looks from her classmates. Tracy smirks at Zoe, who is blushing sheepishly. Thankfully for Zoe, her peers lose interest almost immediately.

"I asked because I was worried you'd be targeted." Tracy says quietly.

"Me? Why would someone want to attack me?" Zoe questions.

Tracy cringes at the naivety of her friend. Some people are just too pure for this world.

"Well, why would someone want to attack Derek?" Tracy retorts.

Zoe finally realizes Tracy's point. She thinks to herself, her nose scrunching up slightly as she considers Derek's personality. He can certainly get into trouble, and he does piss people off quite often.

"He is kind of a jerk, sometimes." Zoe offers.

"Okay, true, but not enough to make someone want to kill him." Tracy argues.

"Yeah..." Zoe trails off.

Tracy watches Zoe as the girl gets lost in thought. Oh what she would give just to know what Zoe is thinking. Every time that adorable little face makes a confused expression Tracy nearly squeals.

I've got it bad, huh?

Zoe finally stops her quiet contemplation. She turns to Zoe with an uncertain expression.

"I did feel like I was being watched this morning, and I never get that feeling." Zoe admits.

Goosebumps go up on Tracy's arms as she processes Zoe's words. Someone looking at her Zoe? With what happened to Derek, Tracy doesn't trust Witchburrow's security. She gently grabs Zoe's hand, holding it and making eye contact.

"Where were you walking? Was there anyone around?" Tracy asks, her voice low.

Zoe blinks, looking surprised by Tracy's reaction.

"I-I was just on my way to school. It was the normal route down Hart Street... I didn't see anybody suspicious, just a bunch of other high schoolers." Zoe replies.

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