Chapter 3

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Will was getting tired of being stuck in his cell

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Will was getting tired of being stuck in his cell. He was barely getting fed and he couldn't sleep, having nightmares about what they might to him when he was vulnerable. He knew it wasn't healthy because he had studied Medical stuff for years. He hadn't checked on his mom, she could be dead for all he knew!

Will tried not to dwell on it, not wanting to get depressed. He decided to try and look on the bright side of things, positive attitudes help everyone, right?

-Time skip!-

Will had been sitting there for awhile before finally someone came in. He knew it was one of the people that worked for the boy he had met the other day. He was well-dressed and looked as good as someone could get.

He grabbed a boy in another cell who was pleading for his life. Will couldn't just sit around and watch this happen. He was doctor, his job was saving people as much h as he could,not watching them suffer while he did nothing.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Will spoke up. And the man looked in his direction.

"Who asked you? You're lucky I don't kill you to" The man responded in a monotone voice which Will had figured everyone here talked like that for some reason.

"Let him go! It's not fair that you keep us locked up like this" I protested. The man seemed slightly annoyed and dragged the boy he was about to kill over to my cell, throwing him in.

"When I come back, You both won't be so lucky." The man grumbled before leaving. Will heard the door lock behind him as he left. He was definitely in trouble.

Will looked at the boy I just practically saved. He was a white boy and looked somewhat Chinese and Asian. He had what seemed like black hair that was messy and not in a good way. He had a slightly ripped purple shirt and at least normal jeans. Will approached him.

"Hey, um, What's your name?" Will asked calm and kindly. The boy seemed to relax ever so slightly.

"I-It's Frank" He said. His voice laced with wary.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I just know that we're not gonna make it out alive if we don't keep a strong attitude." Frank seemed surprised by what I said.

"Uh, thanks, for earlier" Frank said, seeming calmer and and less warp of me. Will nodded.

"No problem. It's not everyday you have the chance to save someone. Oh right, I'm Will by the way." Frank smiled and Will felt content knowing he could still help people even if he wasn't at work.

"So," Frank started. "What's your story?"

Will started to explain his story. It was refreshing being able to talk to someone without being judged. He explained how basically his life changed in a matter of minutes while he was at the bar.

Will also noticed that Frank actually seemed interested in what he had to say, his eyes not wandering elsewhere just focused on the words that Will was saying, it made Will feel important and he liked that.

After Will finished explaining he was about to ask Frank what his story was but seeing how tired he was he decided against it.

"Hey, You should get some sleep, I'll keep watch". Will said.

"Its fine-"

"No, I said sleep. It's fine" Will let out a breath of relief when he say Frank lay down. He moved Framk's head to his lap so he could watch him. Frank's breathing get steady and even, soon he fell asleep.

Will leaned back against the wall. How did he get himself in this mess again. His thoughts drifted to the boy he had met before he ended up here. He had been so short yet with so much authority.

He was hot but had an intimidating presence. He looked sweet but also looked like he would snap you like a twig if you said something wrong. Will knew people weren't just born like that.

Will just couldn't help and wonder what his story was and why he was the way he was. Will shook his head, he shouldn't have been thinking about that boy, the boy was the reason he was here right now. Poor Frank could have been dead right now, Will had a new found resentment me for the boy now.

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