Chapter 0 - "To You, I Was Love."

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Copyright Information

Title: To You, I Was Love
Writer: ExistentialQuester
Publisher: Inkelation&co.
Cover Design: Aditya Tyagi
Date of Publishing: Friday, 13th September 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below.




This story contains sensitive topics such as suicidal themes, graphic content, and is intended for readers 18+.

Reader discretion is strongly advised.


Read From Here....👇

Chapter 0: Unwanted..

"You know, Ayesha," I said, pulling a cigarette from the pack, my voice low against the distant buzz of the station. "I always wonder... how do people live with themselves, knowing they've emotionally destroyed someone?"

She didn't flinch, didn't even blink. Just stood there, her silence like an old wound, reopened.

The cigarette hung loosely between my fingers, its smoke curling into the humid morning air of Lahore Railway Station. 03:44 AM. I should've been gone by now. Back to India, back to the mess I call my life. But instead, I was here-stuck in the past, staring at the one person I never thought I'd see again.

"You really have nothing to say, huh?" I took a drag, the bitterness coating my throat as I watched her. "What, cat got your tongue? Or do you just not care anymore?"

Her silence was killing me, and she knew it. Ayesha could always do that-pierce through me without saying a damn word. The chaos of the station roared around us, vendors calling out for chai, travelers dragging their feet across the platform, but it felt like we were in our own world.

It had been hours since we bumped into each other this morning. I was late for my train, and she was... smiling. Smiling like nothing had happened. Like we weren't just the shattered remains of something that once made sense.

I flicked the ash off my cigarette, staring at the ground. "You ever think about it? How someone just walks away, moves on, while the other person is left standing there, trying to piece together what's left? How do you do it, Ayesha? How do you just... not care?"

Finally, she sighed. It was barely audible, but I caught it.

"You don't get it, Jake." Her voice was soft, cracking around the edges like she was holding back something heavy. "It's not about not caring. I cared too much."

I blinked. "That's rich."

She turned her gaze to me, eyes slightly teary but defiant. "You think I didn't hurt too? That leaving wasn't hard for me?" Her words were coming out faster now, emotion breaking through her usually calm demeanor. "We tried, Jake. We really did. But you know we couldn't make it work."

"You don't just get to walk away and say 'we tried' and think it's all okay," I muttered, flicking the cigarette to the ground. "You broke me."

Her lips trembled, and for the first time, I saw it-she wasn't just holding back tears. She was holding back everything.

"Maybe I did," she whispered, stepping back, her face contorting as she fought to keep control. "But we broke each other, didn't we?"

She didn't wait for my response. Ayesha turned sharply, her back to me as she began to walk away. No final words, no glance over her shoulder. Just... gone. Again.

I stood there, watching her disappear into the crowd. The train to India would leave soon, and I knew I was already late. But in that moment, it didn't matter. None of it did.

By the time I boarded the train, it was like a cruel joke. Of course, she was there-just a few rows ahead, staring out the window like we hadn't just relived the past few years of our lives in a few brutal minutes.

We didn't talk. But then again, sometimes silence says everything.


End of Chapter 0

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