Chapter Four

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The sky above the camp darkened as the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving only the faintest traces of light. The peaceful riverside now felt like a distant memory as the sounds of the soldiers readying for battle filled the air. Tartaglia's words echoed in your mind: "Let's see what you can do on the battlefield." The moment you had been both dreading and anticipating had finally arrived.

You took his hand, feeling the strength and reassurance in his grip as he pulled you to your feet. The warmth that had lingered from your earlier training session now turned to a burning determination within you

The two of you made your way through the camp, where soldiers were hastily assembling into defensive lines. The atmosphere was tense, but there was a sense of unity in the air, a shared purpose that kept everyone moving with precision. You could see the fatigue in their eyes, but also a steely resolve.

Tartaglia led you to the front lines, where the first wave of Abyssal creatures was already advancing. The dark, twisted forms of hilichurls and Abyss mages loomed in the distance, their eerie glow casting an unnatural light over the battlefield. They moved as one, like a shadow creeping over the land, ready to consume everything in its path.

"Stay close to me," Tartaglia instructed, his voice calm and composed despite the impending chaos. He drew his twin Hydro blades, the sound of water rushing to life in his hands as he prepared to engage the enemy. "Remember what we practiced. Trust your instincts."

You nodded, summoning the flames that had become your newfound ally. It took a minute but the fire responded more readily, crackling to life in your palm with a fierce intensity

The battle began in an instant. Tartaglia surged forward, a blur of motion as he cut through the first wave of enemies with effortless grace. His movements were fluid, almost dance-like, as he weaved through the ranks of hilichurls, his blades slicing through them with deadly precision. It was clear why he was feared as a Harbinger; his prowess on the battlefield was unmatched.

You stood back for a minute, swallowing the lump in your throat as you raised your hand, summoning the fire once more. The warmth spread through your palm, but this time, it felt more stable, more controlled. You could do this.

The Abyssal creatures charged, their eyes glowing with an eerie light as they closed the distance. The first clash was brutal—Hydro blades met shadowy claws, and the air was filled with the sound of steel against flesh. Tartaglia moved with deadly precision, cutting down the creatures with ease, but there were so many of them.

Just as you released an arrow, you saw it—a massive Abyss Lector emerging from the shadows, its dark magic crackling around it as it prepared to strike. Its eyes locked onto Tartaglia, and you knew he was its target.

Panic surged through you as you realized he hadn't seen it yet—he was too focused on the enemies in front of him. The Lector raised its staff, dark energy gathering at its tip, ready to unleash a devastating attack. There was no time to think, only to act.

"Tag!" you screamed, but the wind and chaos swallowed your voice. Without hesitation, you ran towards him, your heart pounding as you tried to reach him in time. The Lector's attack was already coming, a dark wave of energy surging towards Tartaglia.

In that moment, something inside you shifted. A fierce determination, a need to protect him at all costs, ignited within you. You threw yourself between Tartaglia and the attack, raising your bow in a desperate attempt to shield him from the dark energy.

Time seemed to slow as the energy struck—but instead of the searing pain you expected, there was a sudden explosion of light. A golden shield of flame erupted from your outstretched hand, the fire forming a protective barrier around both you and Tartaglia. The dark energy collided with the shield, dissipating harmlessly into the air.

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