Driving to the surprise

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Iris and Rosemary were sitting in the car with Jayy von monroe and Andy beirsack i mean how much more cooler and funner could it get well while they are driving to the show Andy's sister Amaya is setting up the show for the two girls and her brother knowing how excited the two girls must be . Rosemary asked "where are we going " Andy smiled and simply said " A suprise " Jayy smirked  knowing where  they are going . After about 3 hours in the car and making stops becuase andy had to get at and move around and they were hungry and to there suprise when they got out of the car they saw people who were super tall people who were super short and a guy with tons of pericings and tatoos all over and people eating and playing with fire . Andy called a girl over who look a lot like him and she smiled and said " Hello i'm Amaya you two must be Iris and Rosemary is that correct? " Iris replied "yes that is us " Rosemary smiled and Jayy took her hand as Andy took iris and they took them inside they saw all sorts of strange and freaky things . "I hope you enjoy the tour before the show and later on you will have to change into some diffrent clothes that we have here for you alright" . The girls both nodded and stared  exploring the inside of the tent  . Jayy took Rosemary a diffrent way then the way Iris and Andy went and whisperd to her that " you and Iris are gonna be part of the show " Rosemary started to worry a lil then reliazed that these people are excperts so it will be fine she hoped . Iris and Andy were looking at a two headed snake as it eat and talked about the music they like and stuff like that.

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