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"Abracadabra!" Alice screamed into the mirror in her hospital room. She had tried everything to return to the past—adjusting every clock she could find back to 2014, or even repeatedly opening and closing the door to the bathroom, hoping a portal would appear. But nothing had worked.

Now, here she was, desperately trying to summon magic from a mirror.

"Open, damn it!" she shouted, resting her forehead against the cold glass.

Her frustration was interrupted by a knock on the door. It opened, and Janine walked in.

"Why aren’t you dressed yet?" Janine asked, eyeing Alice’s hospital gown.

"What do you mean?" Alice replied, confused.

"Didn’t Sabrina tell you? You’re getting discharged today. All your tests came back normal—no problem at all," Janine explained.

Alice nodded absentmindedly. She wasn’t too concerned with what would happened next. She figured she’d eventually find her way back to her time, somehow. She’d been in this strange, unfamiliar present for almost 24 hours, but despite all her efforts, there had been no progress.

"Well, hurry up and get dressed," Janine urged. "Your clothes are in the bag. I’m going to settle your bill at the counter. I’ll be back soon."

Alice sighed. Maybe once I get out of the hospital, I’ll find a way back.


Alice Leal Guo sat in stunned silence as they drove down the highway. She couldn’t believe the sleek, futuristic cars zipping by or the towering buildings looming above them.

"This… this is Manila?" Alice asked, her voice filled with awe.

Janine glanced at her, amused. "Wow, you sound like it’s your first time here."

"Everything just feels different," Alice muttered. She didn’t want Janine—or anyone—to think she was crazy. If she told them she was from 2014, they’d think she belonged in an asylum, not the present.

"Different? How exactly? You’re always in Manila, how could this be new to you?" Janine said, chuckling.

"SM tayo Janine. I want Jollibee," Alice quickly changed the subject, afraid she might slip up and reveal too much.

"Are you sure? You just got out of the hospital. What if someone recognizes you?"

"I’ll wear shades," Alice said, grabbing a pair of black Dior sunglasses from the car and slipping them on.

Maybe if I just have a little fun for half a day, nothing will change. I’ll think about how to get back to my time after I eat.


Inside Jollibee, Alice was like a child, giggling and savoring every bite of her meal. She even insisted on buying the entire set of Jollibee toys.

"Look, Janine! Hetty is so cute!" Alice said, holding up the toy with a grin.

Janine shook her head, laughing. "You’ve lost it, haven’t you? It’s like we’re kids again."

Alice beamed. It felt good to forget about everything, even for just a moment. But then she remembered why she was here—and it wasn’t to relive her childhood. Yet at that moment she didn't care at all

After their meal, Alice dragged Janine to the arcade, curious about the new games a decade had brought. They played for hours, until exhaustion finally set in.

"I think we should call it a day," Janine said, yawning. "I’m going to buy donuts for the house before we head back. Want to come?"

Alice glanced around and noticed a bookstore next to the donut shop. "No thanks, I’ll check out the bookstore."

Janine hesitated for a moment, as if worried about leaving Alice alone, but eventually agreed.

Inside the bookstore, Alice browsed aimlessly. She didn’t really have anything in mind to buy. But most of the time-travel movies she’d seen involved books, so maybe... maybe she’d find something useful here.

Her eyes landed on a title: 'Navigating Time: Theories, Paradoxes, and Possibilities.'

This might help.

As Alice reached for another book, she accidentally bumped into a woman, causing her to drop her belongings.

"Oh, shit, sorry!" Alice quickly apologized, bending down to help.

"Alice?" the woman said, surprised.

Alice froze. She recognized the voice instantly. It was the same woman who had grilled her in the Senate.

"Madam Chair?" Alice gasped, standing up. It was Senator Risa Hontiveros. Alice couldn’t believe it. She had said all sorts of things about the senator the night before, but now, face-to-face, she was too stunned to speak.

They stared at each other for what seems like an eternity

Their staring contest was interrupted when a saleslady came over to help gather the dropped items. Once they were alone again, Risa spoke.

"I didn’t know you liked fiction," Risa said, eyeing the time-travel book Alice was holding. "I guess that’s explains why you tell so many lies in the Senate."

Alice clenched the book tighter. "How sure are you that time travel is just fiction, Madam Chair?" she shot back.

"No one’s ever proven it," Risa replied, her voice firm. Like she was saying there was no room for debate on that

"Just because there’s no proof doesn’t mean it isn’t real, shouldn't you of all people know that kaya nga hindi ka nakasuhan sa Phil heath" Alice countered, staring straight into the senator’s eyes.

Anong akala mo sa akin, yung ginisa mo sa senado, wag ako sen.

Risa blinked, clearly taken aback by Alice’s boldness. "Excuse me?"

"Ayan Ang daanan, your excused. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be on my way," Alice said, brushing past her.

"Mayor Alice!" Risa called after her, but Alice was already gone.

And Risa Hontiveros couldn't believe it

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